Page 23 of Take Me Slow

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“You’re going to get me pregnant if you keep sexing me raw,” I tell him, to which his reply is to grip my hips and thrust so deep inside of me that I gasp for air. Reuniting with Blaze is the next best thing close to a slice of heaven.

“I want you pregnant. I want you to have all of my babies,” he growls out as he thrusts inside of me.

All? I think, but I can barely tell the difference between my eyelids and the street down beneath us as he moves in and out of me.

“Blaze. Oh, baby,” I moan out his name as he claims me with each stroke. It is no doubt in my mind that I belong to him and he belongs to me. “I love you so much! Oh, I love you, Big Blaze!”

“I love you more,” he mutters, bending over to drop the words close to my ear. He plunges into my heat over and over again, biting down on my shoulders as I try not to explode from the feel of him filling me completely.

“Ask me again,” I murmur.

“What, baby? Oh, baby, you feel so good,” he murmurs.

“Ask me again,” I say, gripping his cock within my walls tightly.

“Yandy, baby. Yandy—Ari,” he says, sounding as if he’s about to succumb to our passionate lovemaking. “You’re driving me mad!”

“Ask me!” I grip his manhood tighter.

“Will you marry me? Baby, please will you marry me?” he says as he grunts his pleasures loudly.

After hearing his proposal, I can feel my juices flowing out of me and running down my legs. I’m seconds away from squirting all over his floor.

“Yes! Yes, I will marry you,” I say, trembling and gripping onto his manhood with every tremor. I give him myself freely, and all of me, saving nothing for myself. He rams into my heated core, taking all that I have and depositing his all, along with our future baby inside of me.

“Say you’ll stay with me, forever,” he mutters as he spins me around into his arms.

“Forever,” I murmur.

“I mean it, Yandy. I want no moments to pass where we are not together. I want you with me, forever.”

“I’m not going anywhere,” I say and hold him close to me. “I’m yours.”

He kisses my lips; a kiss meant to hold me right there, rendering me unable to move from that very spot for as long as he wants me there.

I don’t want to think or feel anything else for as long as I live. No one and nothing can tear us apart, and our purpose to make the world a better place will only bring us closer together. Right now, all I want is to be right here with Blaze to experience moments such as this.


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