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“Girl, you’ve been sleeping so much that you forgot about the party tonight, didn’t you?” I asked.

“Oh, no, I didn’t,” she said as if she were remembering the party just then. “I was just taking a nap. What time is it right now?”

“It’s 6 p.m. Are you going to be there at 8:00?”

“Yeah, I will be there. I’m getting up now, about to get dressed.”

“You’ve been forgetting about a lot lately. We just talked about the party this morning,” I reminded her.

“I know. I’ve been asleep since I got off work, but I’m going to get up now and I’ll be there at eight,” she said.

“Has Channing already met up with Jeb?” I tried to get some insight on what the men were up to.

“Channing is excited about that party tonight. He got off work at noon and has been out picking up stuff for it, and he’s already there now.”

I laughed. “Get your butt up and get over here then, and let’s get our party started,” I said excitedly. “This is my last night single!” Again… I giggled.

“Okay. I’m coming. I’m getting up…” Kemara said sluggishly.

“Hey, sis,” I said and paused.

“Yeah, what is it?”

I told her about the phone call I made before I called her, and it felt good getting it off my chest to someone. I wasn’t ready to tell Jeb about it just yet. I wanted to see if it would do any good first. Kemara encouraged me and told me I did the right thing. She still sounded sleepy, but she was there for me and that was what mattered.

Kemara had been sleeping more and more lately. At first, I figured it w

as because of all of the trying she and Channing were doing for a second baby, but now I was convinced their tries had been successful.

After dressing in a flattering pink jumpsuit and black sandals that showed off my glittering pink toenails that matched my bouquet, I picked up my jacket and headed to the clubhouse to make sure everything was in order for the party. Alise and Jayne were there when I arrived, and they had fully decorated the place and had it looking fabulous. I wanted a gold and black color scheme with pink scattered in, oh and lots of balloons. We had lots of bachelorette games to play, including a batch of male dancers that would be here later.

I only had a small group of about twenty friends, family, and coworkers gathered for the party. I couldn’t wait until Jeb and I said our vows tomorrow, so I could get all of this hoopla, as fun as it had been, over and done with.

Kemara turned down alcoholic beverages all night, which affirmed my suspicion. She was pregnant! I knew it, I thought to myself as I watched my sister carefully. She definitely had the pregnancy look, and I was excited about the thought of a new addition to our family.

Alise, on the other hand, was doing everything she could to act as if she didn’t notice Bruiser, who had decided to skip the men’s party and guard her all night long. The man wouldn’t take his eyes off Alise, and Jayne was right there to egg Alise on about it.

“Can you at least go outside and let us ladies have some privacy?” Alise asked Bruiser as he stood in the corner scoping out the room like he was the Secret Service.

“No,” Bruiser said plainly and went back to scanning the room as if he wasn’t bothered in the least by Alise’s outburst.

“Ugh, he is so fucking annoying,” she said on a long sigh.

“Girl, with all that your stalker has been doing over the past month, you need to sit your tail down somewhere, and let that man protect you,” Jayne said. “Besides, I feel better having him here.”

“I told you that you can have him,” Alise said and huffed as she got up and started walking toward the door. “I’m going to get some air. I need it.”

We gave each other the side eye when Bruiser trekked behind her, knowing another one of their tiffs were about to go down.

Jayne loudly clasped her hands together and asked, “When are the dancers coming?”

“Dancers? I thought you said there weren’t going to be any dancers,” Kemara whined and glared at me with a warning that said, ‘no nasty man better come in here dancing on me.’

I assured her, “No one will dance on you unless you want it.”

“Awe girl, we know you’re sprung on Channing. We already told the dancers to only dance with the girls that we guide them to,” Jayne said to Kemara as she counted the dollars she pulled out of her purse. “We’re good on tips,” she hollered with a big grin on her face.

“I think that’s them now,” I said as a wave of male energy entered the room in the form of five muscular men of all shades and body types from tall, slender and vanilla… to medium height, tanned with stocky muscles… to super tall, rippling muscles and dark chocolate.

Tags: Shani Greene-Dowdell Dangerous Bonds Romance