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“Sweet, I’ll be home from work by two, so that’s perfect,” I told him as I opened the door.

Jeb swaggered out to his car. I waved as he got inside and backed out of the driveway. As I closed the door, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was being watched, but I brushed it off as it being a long and trying day. I went upstairs to my room, hoping a destressing bath infused with lavender oil would make it all better.

Chapter 16


I was in Tameka’s front yard tossing around the ball with Kevin. I brought my old baseball and glove from my playing days, and Kevin had the glove on his small hands, trying to get used to catching the ball with it.

“What’s your favorite sport?” I asked after he caught the curveball I threw at medium speed.

“Got it!” he said and pumped his fist in the air. “I love baseball and football, but I’m better at baseball. You want me to get my bat that was signed by Josh Donaldson?” he asked, excitedly.

“You have a ball signed by Josh Donaldson?”

Kevin smiled. “Yep, Mama took me to see him when he came to Auburn University, and he signed it for me.”

“Let’s see what you’ve got,” I said.

Kevin ran into the house.

I was tossing the ball in the air when I noticed a small, black car creeping down the street. I’d seen the car earlier but didn’t pay it any attention. I watched it carefully as the driver parked a few houses down. The headlights were on and pointing in my direction.

The door to the house flung open, and Kevin bounded over to me. He showed me his gray baseball bat that had indeed been signed by Josh Donaldson. “I’m ready for battle now,” he said with confidence.

“Little man, you have a treasure here. Let’s see how it hits,” I said then peered at the idled car parked a few houses down. I threw the ball to Kevin, and he hit it out of the yard.

Kevin ran after the ball, saying, “I’ll get it, Mr. Jeb.”

“No, I got it Kev,” I said, trekking behind the ball while observing the parked car. As I got closer to it, the person backed up, did a three-point turn, and sped out of the neighborhood. I didn’t get a good look at him, but I had a feeling it was Rodney.

“Are you guys ready for dinner?” I heard Tameka asking when I walked back up with the ball.

“Yes!” Kevin pumped his fists high in the air and ran into the house.

“I could get used to this,” I said, imagining her calling our unborn children into the house for dinner. I walked over to Tameka and towered over her. “Hey, beautiful.”

“Hey yourself,” she said, smiling.

I didn’t want to bring up my suspicion of Rodney watching us earlier, but I felt she needed to know for her safety. I hated the thought of Rodney coming back to hurt her or the kids when I wasn’t there. “Listen, I’m not one hundred percent sure, but I think Rodney was parked at the curb watching us earlier,” I said.

She frowned, and tilted her head with a look of disbelief. “Really?”

“Yes, but it wasn’t his truck. It was a black BMW.”

Tameka turned and stormed into the house. I caught up with her and grabbed her arm before she could pick up her cell.

“What are you about to do?” I asked.

“Rodney’s fiancée has a black BMW. I’m about to call him and give him a piece of my mind!” Tameka seethed.

“Baby, he’ll just deny it. He probably wants the attention anyway. Besides, if he tries anything, I will crush him,” I said, feeling my muscles tighten in my neck. I saw a fire in her eyes, and I was sure I had the same intensity staring back at her. I meant what I said about crushing Rodney. I would do anything to protect Tameka’s feelings. “Come here,” I reached for her hand and pulled her close.

“I’m so tired of him, Jeb.”

“I know, baby,” I said, holding her tighter.


Tags: Shani Greene-Dowdell Dangerous Bonds Romance