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“Thank you.” She smiled. “When you have the right one, it doesn’t matter if you’re having sex or sitting on the sofa together. The emotional connection that comes with being with that person is enough.”

“Can’t argue there,” I said, and we sat there for a while enjoying each other’s company in silence.

Her eyes drifted close for a moment. Her tell that she was exhausted. We barely slept the night before, and the week had been a whirlwind of different activities in Aruba. I continued to stroke her hair, thinking she would fall asleep, but she surprised me by sitting up on her knees and facing me. She then leaned in and grazed her lips across mine.

“Can I tell you something, Jeb?” she said, the words sounding more like a long, sweet moan that was meant to be seduction.


“I do feel safe with you,” she admitted.

I caressed her neck and pulled her into a deep and absolutely delicious kiss. Romance was ours as we shared an embrace that gave me life and took some away at the same time, a fair exchange of energy and heart with a woman I felt a strong connection to.

She pulled back and leaned against me, laying her head on my shoulder with closed eyes. I closed my eyes too, thinking about making her mine. Before I knew it, we had both drifted into a deep slumber only to be awakened by her ringing phone.

“Jeb?” she said lightly. “Is that an alarm?”

“No, it’s your phone, baby.”

“Oh!” She frantically looked around for her phone and found it in her pocket. She answered it in the nick of time, “Hello?” There was a long pause before she said, “Where are you?” Her mood shifted and anger covered her face. “I’ll be right there,” she said as she disconnected the call.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“I’m gonna kill him, and that’s all there is to it. I will have to kill him to end this shit,” she said, bolting from the couch and grabbing her purse.

“Wait, baby, tell me what’s wrong.” I tugged her arm and forced her to look at me. “What is it?”

“Rodney…I’m gonna kill him.”

My temples flared from hearing his name. “What did he do now?”

“He left the kids alone, and Eva’s terrified. She says they haven’t eaten, and they haven’t seen their father since this morning. I’m about to go get my kids and then buy a bow and arrow to shoot Rodney in the ass with!” she said.

“I’ll take you to get the kids, but we’re not going to buy a bow and arrow, Tameka.”

She glared at me. “You don’t have to get involved with this, Jeb. This is going to get ugly fast, so I’ll understand if you don’t want to be a part of it.”

“I’m going with you, Tameka,” I said sternly. “It’s obvious you need someone to stop your murderous intentions.”

She grabbed her keys and sighed. “Let’s go, Jeb. I have to go get my kids.”

Chapter 15


On the way to Rodney’s house, I told Jeb what I knew. Rodney had sunk to a new low and left the kids at home, alone, while he and his fiancée ran off doing God knows what. He’d left that morning, and it was now after six p.m. I was livid.

I called Rodney’s number, and he didn’t answer, so I called Eva back and let her know I was on my way. She sounded calmer after I talked to her again, but I regretted leaving the kids with Rodney. I did my best to honor the court orders, even though he didn’t at times, but this was the last straw. Our children shouldn’t have been home alone all damn day long with no cooked food to eat.

I looked over at Jeb as he drove to Rodney’s address. I had one thing to smile about. I could count on him when it mattered. This wasn’t his battle to fight, but he was right there by my side.

“It’s right there,” I directed him down Rodney’s street, and we pulled up in front of a huge brick house with a well-manicured lawn and water fountain in the middle of the yard. The house was something else Rodney couldn’t afford, but he went in debt to keep his young fiancée satisfied with a flashy lifestyle.

The driveway was empty of cars, and the house was dark. It was after six o’clock in the evening, but there was no sign of activity in the house. I jumped out of the car and was halfway to the door before I could blink. I turned the knob, but it was locked. I knocked and waited, glancing at Jeb who seemed just as concerned as I was.

After waiting a while for someone to open the door, the door cracked open, and I saw Eva. I entered the house, hugging her tightly. I was so relieved to see her.

“Are you okay, honey?” I asked.

Tags: Shani Greene-Dowdell Dangerous Bonds Romance