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I walked into my silent house. It was amazing how quiet home could be. Sometimes, it was so quiet that the silence caused me to get lost in extremely loud thoughts. At the moment, I kept thinking about Jeb. I didn’t expect to see him at Kemara’s house today. I had done well to stay away from him.

I could remember a time when he monopolized my dreams, or should I say dirty fantasies that involved Jeb, me, and a tub of whip cream. I’d dreamed of his tall frame dwarfing mine as he climbed atop of me with ocean blue eyes glaring into my soul. His chestnut brown hair beckoned me to touch the waves. I’d had more than one fantasy starring Jeb after our dance at the wedding, but with each passing day, it became a little harder to visualize him, and that was for the best.

I sat down on the couch and closed my eyes. An image came to the forefront of my mind. It was Jeb straddling me as he sprayed whip cream over my breasts then effortlessly proceeding to enjoy the taste of my flesh mixed with the sweet cream.

I snapped my eyes open and groaned. Seeing Jeb again exposed how easily he could seep inside of me and take over. I could barely look at him knowing the dirty things I wanted him to do to me. It was crazy how the longing glare filled with greedy desire in his eyes mirrored the way he looked at me in my fantasies.

I sighed and looked around the empty room. I longed to have my kids home at times like this. When I was in mommy mode, I didn’t entertain thoughts of Jeb or any man for that matter. My phone rang, rescuing me from visions of him.

“Hello?” I answered in a gravelly tone.

“Hey, Mama, it’s me,” Eva’s said excitedly.

I smiled. “Hey, Evie, what’s going on?”

“Maddie wants to know if I can stay for supper. May I?” she asked.

“Yeah, I guess that’s fine. Do you need me to pick you up after dinner?” I asked.

“Nah, her mom’s gonna drop me off at home. I won’t be home too late,” Eva said, sounding like a little lady.

“Okay, that’s fine. Let me speak to her mother,” I said.

Maddie’s mother came on the line, and we talked briefly about the plan for Eva to stay over for dinner. “Yes, I will bring her home around 8:30,” she assured me.

“Great. Thanks for letting her stay. Can I speak back to Eva?”

“Sure,” she said and handed the phone back to Eva.

“I’ll see you later tonight, Eva. Make sure you behave,” I said.

“I will. Love you, Mom.”

“I love you too, baby girl. Have fun.”

I disconnected the call and stared blankly at the TV. Kevin would be home soon, so the house wouldn’t be completely empty. I forced myself to get up and start doing some housework before dinnertime, which was only a few hours away.

When I finished doing the laundry, I glanced at my watch. Time had flown by. It was time to get dinner on the stove so that it would be ready when Kevin got there. I looked in the refrigerator for ingredients and decided to make a pot of chili.

At fifteen minutes to seven, I heard the door opening.

“Mom…I’m home!” Kevin called out.

“Wow…what happened to your jacket?” I asked as I rounded the corner to find my son taking off his jacket. I could tell it was filthy from where I was standing.

Kevin held the jacket away from his body as if he were afraid to get dirt on himself. “I got to wash it. We were playing ball.”

I grabbed the jacket and held it between two fingers. “Looks like you were just rolling around in the dirt,” I said.

“Mom, I had the best time. Tommy’s dad took us to the ballpark, and we hit balls. We ran the bases, and I slid in for a homerun. Then, after we finished playing, we went to the pond and dug for worms! It was so much fun.”

Digging for worms explained the dirty jacket, and Kevin’s budding smile was proof that he had a blast. Tommy’s dad had been a blessing in our lives. He spent quality time with his son and brought Kevin along too.

“Glad you had fun, Kev.” I kissed his cheek. “Run upstairs and get washed up. Dinner will be ready in a minute. It’s just the two of us.”

“Oh, really? Where’s Eva, Ma?”

“She’s staying at Maddie’s for dinner.”

Tags: Shani Greene-Dowdell Dangerous Bonds Romance