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I tried not to focus on my breathing, but I could see my breath in the cold air as I exhaled deeply. “Tasha, I love you so much,” I groaned out against her ear.

“I love you too, Matt,” she said and spread her legs open wider, giving me the ample room I desired, to have her without any constraints. When she let out a pulsating squeal, my cum gushed into her, emptying all the life that shot forth into her precious tunnel. Her gushing hot liquid wrapped around my erection, causing me to collapse against her due to unimaginable delight. I pushed her harder against the wall and our lips collided as I slid in and out of her, still releasing, until I heard rustling behind us. I jerked out of her and her eyes got big.

She fixed her dress as I gathered my pants around my waist, and then she turned around so that I could help her out with her zipper. As I slid up her zipper, she looked ahead. I could hear her heart beating from the rush. A couple walked out on the balcony, and I zipped up my pants, just as they turned to look at us. I smiled and nodded in their direction and Tasha glanced at me. She had the wildest grin on her face, almost giving us up with her guilty looking eyes.

I smiled at her and grabbed her hand. “Shall we?” I asked, winking at her.

She turned toward the entrance. “Sure, thanks for showing me the stars, Matt,” she said, and we held hands as we bypassed the couple and headed back to the party.

We each held a sneaky grin on our face as we narrowly escaped getting caught. Once we got back into the party she looked up at me and we busted into laughter. That was exactly the thing we needed to do, relax. I wondered what Melinda would think if she only knew how sprung I was over Tasha. I pulled Tasha closer to me as we walked further into the ballroom. The party was still in full swing, but I couldn’t wait to have Tasha alone, once again.

Chapter Fourteen


Taking the Next Step

He walked me to the door. I turned to him, after I opened the door behind me. “Tonight was…fun,” I said. He had offered to follow me home. I told him it wasn’t necessary, but as we stood at my front door, I was glad he made the offer. Since I started going out with Matt, my life had been more fulfilled. I enjoyed being around this man and his nephew, and I couldn’t wait to see where things would head.

“Which was your favorite part?” he asked, winking at me.

“Hmmm…let me think about that,” I said. “I’m sure it wasn’t you dancing with Melinda.”

He laughed anxiously and tilted his head. “Baby, I told you that meant nothing.”

I giggled, enjoying watching him flinch. “I know. Just wanted to see you squirm a little bit about it.” I grabbed onto his suit jacket and pulled him to me. “I would definitely have to say that sex on the balcony was my favorite part of the night.” My voice was husky as our lips met. He nodded in agreement, never breaking from the kiss. “Who’s watching Cody?” I asked, between kisses.

“He’s staying overnight with a friend,” he said, moving closer to me.

“Oh, really?” I pulled him into my apartment.

The moment the door closed, we started to frantically undress one another. Clothes were leading a path back to my bedroom, so that when we were in the bedroom, the only thing left was to slip off my bra, which I did with ease. I pushed Matt down to the bed and he looked up at me. His breathing already labored. I got on the bed, planting my knees to either side of him and ran my hands down his chest, I lowered myself to his chest, where I started kissing and nibbling lightly along his breast line. He growled, and my eyes went to his.

He had this silly grin on his face that said he didn’t want to take it slow, but I was saying that I had him right where I wanted him. Like magnets we reconnected with ease. I plucked my teeth around his nipple and he slipped his hands up my back, sighing with pleasure as he pressed his palms deep into my skin. I swirled my tongue around his nipple and he elicited a moan that was heard deep within my room. I softly trailing my lips down his stomach, inching myself closer to his erection. That’s when I took things slower. I flicked my tongue out, running it around his engorged head.

“God, Tasha…” he moaned, squirming beneath me. I smiled deviously at the reaction I was getting from him and put my lips over his tip, while I softly blew, then removed my mouth, leaving him aching for it again. He let out an exasperated grunt, and I lowered myself, so I could run my tongue from the base to the tip of his cock, then playfully along the other side. His manhood wiggled in front of me. “Shit!” he muttered in a strained voice.

I giggled, moving back up to his lips and leaving his erection close to climax. I looked down at his pained face. “What’s wrong, babe?” I asked, grinning at him.

He shook his head. “Oh…you’re gonna get it,” he said, with a teasing grin. And with one shift, he had me pinned underneath him. He lowered his lips to mine, and we hungrily kissed, our tongues dancing to their own beats. Then, his lips were off mine and he was roaming his mouth down my chest. He playfully touched his tongue to my right nipple, then started sucking feverishly on the peak.

“Oh my God…” I moaned, tossed my head back and stared up at the ceiling as he took his exploration to new heights. I splayed my hands out on the bed and just laid there relishing the feel of his mouth on my nipples, as he searched out the right one and then the left. My fingers dug into the bedspread and he slipped down my stomach, leaving a heated trail of kisses down my body, until he reached my most tender region.

I bit back a groan, just waiting for him to finally arrive at his destination. When I felt his warm breath on my womanhood, I released a pleading whimper, then stilled myself. He ran his tongue along my hard nub, sending shivers down my spine. His tongue slid in and ever-so-slightly out. He pulled back and the aching sensation he left had me wanting more then and forever. Matt planted soft kisses along my inner thighs, making me lift my hands up to his hair and twirl my fingers around. I tried to push his lips back down to my nether lips, but he pulled back leaving me wanting him more.

He pulled himself up, so that he hovered over me and smirked.

“How do you like that?” he asked.

“I think from this day forward I’ll live for your punishments,” I breathlessly said.

He chuckled and lowered his mouth to mine.

“You’ll be getting lots of them, because you’re a bad girl,” he whispered just before he kissed me.

I spread my legs wider and he fell into the space that naturally belonged to him, his erection knocking at the door of my womanhood, ready to come home. I twirled my fingers through his silky hair and held him close to me. He slowly moved in, pulled back and then plunged inside of me, causing me to gasp between his lips.

Our rhythm intensified and with each thrust, and my body was on immediate fire, as we crashed against one another, rocking our hips together in unison. His cock slowly expanded inside of me and I held onto him as he gave me so much pleasure.

Tags: Shani Greene-Dowdell Breathless Billionaire Romance