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After hours of mingling with other guests, dancing, and cuddling with Tasha, I left her side only to go to the restroom. When I returned, I walked up to Tasha and wrapped my arms around her, then pulled her to me, so that her back was against my body.

“Having fun?” I whispered in her ear.

She looked up at me and smiled. “For the most part yes,” she said, chuckling lightly.

I frowned. “For the most part?”

She rolled her eyes. “I heard Nina and Melinda cackling over there when you left, and I’m pretty sure I heard my name being thrown around.” She motioned with her head towards a corner where a taller, slender woman had joined Melinda. I figured she was Nina, Melinda’s plus one. Neither lady had shown up with a man as their date. “A curve ball was definitely thrown her way when she spotted us together. Poor girl…almost feel sorry for her. Almost!” Tasha said, laughing.

I glanced their way again. Nina and Melinda were staring right at us, then glancing to Tasha and breaking up laughing. Whatever, they were discussing, I wasn’t about to let it spoil Tasha’s mood. She was enjoying the night, and they were just caddy and wanting to make Tasha uncomfortable, like she didn’t belong at the party…or by my side.

“Baby, we belong together. You know that, right?” I asked.

“Matt, I know that,” she said, searching my eyes for my reasoning for saying that.

“Come with me,” I said, grabbing her hand and pulling her behind me.

“Matt, where are we going?” she asked.

I quickly moved towards the outside balcony.

She could barely keep up, asking the question again. “Matt…where are we going?”

“I have to show you something,” I said simply, then pulled her out onto the balcony and was relieved to see we were alone.

The cool air hit me immediately, but I wasn’t about to pull back. I wrapped my arm around her waist and walked her to the side of the building, then pressed her back against the wall. Our lips met and soon we were heatedly devouring each other’s lips, just outside of the room filled with who’s who of entertainment. As my tongue grazed against hers, I pulled her leg up and around my waist, inching her dress up, so I could touch between her legs. I stroked her inner thighs and she jerked against me, just from the feel of my hand on her skin. She laughed, as I tickled her slightly.

“Matt…they can see us,” she said, breathlessly parting from the kiss and pointing toward the door we exited from.

“Who cares?”

Her eyes lifted to mine and she held a naughty grin on her lips. I wrapped my hands around her neck and pulled her to me, bringing her lips back to mine. She gasped, tossing her head back against the building.

“You’ll care when we get arrested for indecent exposure,” she said, giggling sweetly.

She pushed me away and took a step toward the door, but it was too late. I had to have her. I grabbed her hand and pulled her back to me. She looked like she was about to argue, when I captured her lips against mine once more.

She moaned, trailing her fingers along the back of my neck and just getting lost in the moment, until her lips slipped from mine. She swallowed, and I grabbed her hand and pulled her further away from the sliding door, to one of the balcony’s corners. She giggled when I turned her around so that her back was to me, and I was facing her dress zipper. I lifted her hair up and out of the way and slowly slid the zipper down. I removed one shoulder from the dress and took my lips to her shoulder. She tried to murmur something about us getting caught, but I wasn’t hearing it. I planted my bulging erection at the center of her ass and started swaying my hips our own beat.

She tossed her head back and stared up at the sky. I imagined she was praying we didn’t get caught, as I slowly pulled her dress up.

“Matt…” her voice trailed away with the cool winter air that seemed to pick up in intensity, causing me to move quicker to get her dress up over her ass, so I could heat us up.

Then, she turned around and looked down at the zipper of my pants with a sneaky grin. She took over, grabbed onto the zipper and slowly pulled it down. I looped my fingers into the sides of her panties and tugged them down, all while she grabbed onto my boxers and pulled the

m down slightly.

With my cock exposed and her heated wetness ready for me, I pushed her back against the building and hungrily kissed her. My tongue slipped between her lips and collided with hers.

“God Matt, I can’t believe we’re doing this,” she breathlessly said between kisses.

“Oh baby,” I growled against her lips, when she reached down and started to stroke my erection, making me rock hard. “We’re just getting started,” I said and excitedly rammed my tongue in and out of her mouth. I groped her soft and succulent breasts and moaned into her ear. The aching in my cock had me longing to be buried inside of her. The tip touched her opening and her wetness was spilling over, driving me insane just from the slickness of her juices in contact with my dick.

She lifted her hand that was touching my rod and placed it on my arm, and I pressed myself against her. My lips left hers and I went down and started to kiss her neck. Then, I swiftly lifted her right leg and plunged into her sweet abyss. She whimpered, and I withdrew my erection and plowed back into her.

“Yes…oh God Matt…yes…” she moaned. Her eager acceptance of me gave me extra energy. I pulled back and out of her, then rammed into her again, bucking my hips against her fast and hard. She shrieked, and my fluid and quick thrusts continued with the aim of taking us both to ecstasy. She bucked her hips harder and harder against me, until we were settled into an even motion of pure desire raging through us.

My erection expanded in her warm pussy and she bit down on my shoulder, so she wouldn’t scream loud and blow our cover to all the guests of the party. The sharp pain that shot through my shoulder wasn’t anything I couldn’t deal with as I pounded in and out of her, while rubbing my hands up and down her back, massaging her with pleasure.

Tags: Shani Greene-Dowdell Breathless Billionaire Romance