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‘No, Monseigneur,’ she said firmly. ‘This time it is I who must speak. When I thought this child was not a respectable person, I said Dominique should not marry her. I made Rupert bring me to Dijon because I thought I would be very clever and arrange everything so that you would never know –’

‘This touching but misplaced confidence in your powers of concealment, ma mie –’

‘Justin, you shall listen to me!’ said the Duchess. ‘Of course I might have known you would find out – how did you, Monseigneur? It was very clever of you, I think. No, no, let me speak! – I meant that Dominique should not marry Mademoiselle Challoner. But now I have seen her, and I am not a fool, me, and she is a person entirely respectable, and this time I do not care what you may say, Dominique is to marry her.’

His grace looked down at her impassively. ‘Quite right, my dear. He is,’ he said.

The Duchess opened her eyes very wide indeed. ‘You do not mind, Monseigneur?’

‘I cannot conceive why I should be supposed to mind,’ said his grace. ‘The marriage seems to be eminently desirable.’

The Duchess let go of Miss Challoner to fling out her hands. ‘But, Monseigneur, if you do not mind why did you not say to at once?’ she demanded.

‘You may perhaps recall, my love, that you forbade me to speak.’

The Duchess paid no attention to this, but said with her usual buoyancy: ‘Voyons, now I am quite happy!’ She looked at Mary again. ‘And you – I think you will be very good to my son, n’est-ce pas ?’

Miss Challoner said: ‘I love him, ma’am. I can only say that. And – and thank you – for your –’

‘Ah, bah!’ Léonie said. ‘I do not want to be thanked. Where is Rupert? I must tell him at once that everything is arranged.’

Lord Rupert, who had evidently been detained outside, came into the room at this moment. He seemed preoccupied, and addressed himself at once to his brother. ‘Damme, Avon, I’m devilish glad you’ve come!’ he said. ‘The Lord knows I never thought I should want to see you, but we’re in a plaguey difficulty.’

‘No, we are not, Rupert!’ Léonie told him. ‘It is all arranged.’

‘Eh?’ His lordship seemed surprised. ‘Who arranged it?’

‘Oh, but Monseigneur, of course! They are to be married.’

Rupert said disgustedly: ‘Lord, can’t you think of aught beside that young fire-eater of yours?’ He took hold of one of the silver buttons on his grace’s coat, and said confidentially: ‘It’s a mighty fortunate thing you’ve arrived, Avon, ’pon my soul it is. I’ve got six dozen of burgundy, and about three of as soft a port as ever I tasted, lying back in Dijon. I bought ’em off the landlord of some inn or another we stayed at, and the devil’s in it I can’t pay for ’em.’

‘Monseigneur, I am quite ennuyée with this wine,’ said Léonie. ‘Do not buy it! I do not wish to travel with bottles and bottles of wine.’

‘May I request you to unhand me, Rupert?’ said his grace. ‘If you have purchased port it must of course go by water. Did you bring a bottle with you?’

‘Bring a bottle? Lord, I’ve brought six!’ said Rupert. ‘We’ll crack one at once, and if you don’t find I’m right – well, you’ve changed, Justin, and that’s all there is to it.’

Léonie said indignantly: ‘Rupert, I do not care what you do, but I wish to present you to Mademoiselle Challoner, who is to marry Dominique.’

His lordship was roused to look round. ‘What, is she here?’ He perceived Mary at last. ‘So you’re the girl that confounded nevvy of mine ran off with!’ he said. ‘I wish you joy of him, my dear. A pretty dance you’ve led us. You’ll forgive me if I leave you at this present. There’s a little matter demanding my attention. Now, Avon, I’m with you.’

Léonie called after him: ‘But Rupert, Rupert! Where are Juliana and Mr Comyn?’

Rupert looked back from the doorway to say: ‘They’ll be here soon enough. Too soon for my liking. Stap me if ever I saw such a pair of ogling and holding hands. It’s enough to turn a man’s stomach. Their chaise fell behind.’

He went out as he spoke, and Léonie turned to Miss Challoner with a gesture of resignation. ‘He is mad, you understand. You must not be offended with him, for presently he will recover, I assure you.’

‘I could not be offended, ma’am,’ said Miss Challoner. ‘He makes me want to laugh.’ She moved a little away from the Duchess. ‘Madame, are you – are you sure that you wish me to marry your son?’

Léonie nodded. ‘But yes, I am quite sure, petite.’ She sat down by the fire, and held out her hand. ‘Come, ma chère, you shall tell me all about it, please, and – I think, not cry, hein ?’

Miss Challoner dabbed at her eyes. ‘No, ma’am, certainly not cry,’ she said rather tremulously.

Ten minutes later Miss Marling came in to find her friend seated at the Duchess’s feet, with both her hands clasped in Léonie’s. She said brightly: ‘Oh, Aunt Léonie, is it all decided, then? Has my Uncle Justin given his consent? I vow it is famous!’

Léonie released Miss Challoner and stood up. ‘Yes, it is quite famous, as you say, Juliana, for now I am to have a daughter, which will amuse me very much, and Dominique is to make no more scandals. Where is M. Comyn? Do not tell me you have quarrelled again?’

‘Good gracious, no!’ replied Juliana, shocked. ‘Uncle Rupert met us in the hall, and he took Frederick off with him to that room over the way. I think they are all there. I am certain I saw Vidal.’

Tags: Georgette Heyer Alastair-Audley Tetralogy Romance