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“I don’t think you’re sorry at all, and what do you mean by ‘little’? I’m quite tall for a Jayronian! Oh, Niki…” He squirmed as Nikolai blew across his sensitized nipple.

“Ah, but not on my planet. On my planet you’d be considered petite. ”


“Mmm…” Nikolai teased, licking at his nipple and with each word. “Little. Dainty. Cute. And very tasty. ”

Jagger tried to bat him off, but Nikolai caught hold of his hand and pulled it above his head, holding it there with ease. Jagger squirmed, uncomfortable with this reversal of roles. He tried to get away until he realized Nikolai was only holding him, not trying to hurt him. He relaxed then, pleased his big Lycan felt comfortable enough with him to tease, and strangely, he had no fear at all of the man. He knew instinctively that he would never hurt him.

“Maybe it’s because on your planet, you’re all big, overgrown, freakishly large…clodhoppers!” This would have been a fine comeback, he decided, if not for the girlish squeal he gave out right after as Niki buried his face in his armpit. He’d always been a bit ticklish and now that the big ox knew it, he was torturing him unmercifully. “No, please! I surrender!” He threw back his head and laughed until Nikolai released his hands and moved further down his body, going for his nether regions. “Oh gods, Niki!”

A knock on the door interrupted their play and Jagger sat up, pushing Nikolai away, and pulling the cover over both of them. “Come in,” he called out, and the door opened to reveal a servant, who quickly averted his eyes.

“Sorry to interrupt you, your Highness, but your father is asking for you. He’d like for you to come right away. ”

Jagger blew out a long suffering breath. “Did he say why, Higgins?”

“I believe it has something to do with the Rogers, your Highness. ”

Jagger sighed impatiently again. “Tell my father I’ll be there shortly. ” The servant bowed his way out, and Jagger swung his legs over the side of the bed. He went over to his clothes cabinet and bent over looking through things, while Nikolai lay on his back, being very quiet all of a sudden.

“The Rogers? What’s that about, Princeling?”

“Huh?” Jagger turned around to regard him. “The Rogers? My father has business with them, that’s all. ” Jagger frowned at him, unsure how much to tell him. He’d already decided he wanted to keep Niki. Maybe it was fast—well, gods, of course it was fast. Jagger knew that, but the feelings he had for the Lycan were strong, even though they were so new. He’d never been as terribly attracted this fast to anyone before, and the fact that Niki seemed to return his feelings were thrilling to Jagger. Niki didn’t even seem to mind the fact that he was now Jagger’s concubine, and if his stepbrothers were truly cruel to him, then perhaps he had rescued Niki, in a way. That certainly made him feel better about the situation.

Even though Lycans were said to be fierce and dangerous, all Niki seemed to want to do was cuddle and play with him. Still he decided not to confide in him yet about the Rogers and his mother. There would be time later for that.

“What kind of business?” Niki asked.

“Nothing for you to worry about. Now hush and let me find something for you to wear. I can’t find anything large enough to cover you,” Jagger said, standing up with his hands on his hips, glaring at Nikolai as if it were his fault.

“Why not just give me my own clothes back? Where are they anyway?”

Jagger shook his head. “They’re ruined. The servants cut them off you while you were unconscious yesterday. ” He looked back toward the bed and shrugged at Nikolai’s raised eyebrow. “It was the only way they could undress you. You’re quite large, Niki. ” He thought for a moment and snapped his fingers. “I have it!” He rang a bell next to the door and in only seconds, a servant appeared.

“Go up to the attic and find my grandfather’s trunks. Quick

ly! There are some clothes in it that will fit my concubine. Hurry back—the king is waiting for us. ” He turned from the door and began pulling on his own clothing, casting a glance over at the bed where Nikolai still lounged. “You could be helping me dress, you know. That is part of your new duties. ”

“If I helped you dress, I’m afraid we wouldn’t get too far,” Nikolai said lazily, his gaze on the prince’s every move. “I’d have to stop every few minutes to touch, and it might be a slow process. ”

Jagger gave a decidedly un-princely snort and sat down on a chair with his socks and boots. “I have all my…uh…erogenous zones covered up now, so you can come help me with my boots. ”

Nikolai got up and walked over to him, bending down in front of him. “Oh, but Princeling, that’s where you’re wrong. All of your parts are erogenous. For example, take this little foot. ” Smiling, Nikolai took it in his hand. “This little foot is very sexy. ” He bent over it and his tongue licked all the way up the arch to the big toe, which he took in his mouth and sucked with a loud slurping noise.

Jagger laughed and tried to pull his foot from Nikolai’s hand but couldn’t budge it. He stuck his other foot against his chest to push him back and only succeeded in aiding its capture by Nikolai’s other hand. This foot got the same treatment, and soon the prince was laughing and squirming as he tried to get away, landing on his ass on the floor beside Nikolai.

The door opened and Higgins stood breathlessly in the doorway, clutching the clothing, his eyes open wide in alarm. “Your Highness? Are you…is everything…?”

Jagger looked up at him from the floor, still trying to tug his feet away from Nikolai. “Everything is perfectly fine. Just put the clothing down and leave, please. Tell my father I’ll be out in just a moment. ”

“Niki, please!” Jagger said, turning back to his new concubine. “Release my feet immediately!”

Nikolai gave his toes one final lick and released them, sitting back on his heels and smiling. “Yes, Master. Anything you say. ”

“Humph!” Jagger got to his feet, pulling down his tunic and tossing back his hair. “I wish I believed you meant that. Please dress yourself, Niki. ” Nikolai stood up and walked over to the pile of clothing the servant had brought in and held up a pair of trousers with raised eyebrows.

“You seriously expect me to wear these?” The trousers were black, and of a loose, flowing material, with very wide legs and a drawstring waist.

Tags: Shannon West Love Slaves of the Alphas Paranormal