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"Never saw that one," she said.

"They used to show it when I was a kid," he said. "The Ghost of Christmas Future scared the crap out of me. "

"That's no surprise," she said. "The future always scares you. "

He looked at her.

"Where did that come from?" he asked.

"Oh, come off it, Sam," she said. "It's Christmas Eve. Our third together. Only we're not completely together, are we?"

"I'm over here most nights, aren't I?"

"Yes, but I'm a greedy little bitch, Sam," she said. "I want them all. Where were you Tuesday night?"

"I was home. "

"Now, that's simply a lie," she said. "I called you at home, and you didn't answer. And when I drove by, no one was there. "

"Wait, Tuesday. You're right, I wasn't home. I was at the warehouse most of the night. Waldo wasn't feeling well. He's this new Doberman puppy, and - "

"I called your cell, Sam. "

"Battery was dead. I forgot to recharge it. "

"And I went by the warehouse, Sam. "

He was silent for a moment.

"You did," he said.

Chapter Two

"I most certainly did," she said. "There was a light on, but no one answered the door. "

"I may have dozed off," he said. "I'm surprised Carson didn't start barking. He must have known it was you. "

"You know," she drawled. "I bet if Carson could speak, he could tell a lie way better than any drinking buddy ever could. "

"I don't have drinking buddies," he said.

"You going to tell me what's going on?" she asked.

"Why are you doing this tonight of all nights?"

"Because I am tired of being with a man who won't be with me, Sam Lehrmann," she said. "I am tired of you keeping secrets from me. I can't live with a man who keeps secrets. "

"Everyone has secrets. "

"That is true. But I want you to trust me with yours, Sam. I want to know that you trust me. "

He took his hands and placed them on her shoulders.

"There are things about me that no one can know about," he said.

"I do understand the concept of secrets, Sam," she said sharply. "I don't care if you're an escaped convict, or practice vivisection on hitchhikers, or you're a Mets fan. I just want to know the truth. "

"I'm not a Mets fan," he said. "I'm not a convict, and I almost never practice vivisection on hitchhikers. "

Tags: Carrie Vaughn Kitty Norville Fantasy