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"Did Mister Lehrmann train you?" she asked.

The dog nodded again.

"My name is Sally," she said. "Very nice to meet you. "

The dog nodded once more, looked at Waldo, then ran off.

"Merry Christmas!" she called after him. She clipped the lead onto the Doberman's collar and went home.

"Ahh!" he cried.

"Sam, do you need the third injection?" she asked.

"Just pain," he gasped. "Pain's a good sign. Means the nerves are coming back. "

He made a fist several times.

"Help me sit up," he asked.

She reached her arms around his body and pulled.

"God, you're heavy," she said, wrestling him to a sitting position against the wall.

"I think it's going to be okay," he said. "My heartbeat sounds good. "

"But you're a werewolf," she said.

"Atropine doesn't cure that. "

"But you're a werewolf," she repeated.

"Yes. "

"What the hell just happened? What was the atropine for?"

"Antidote for aconite," he said. "I always keep it around for special occasions like this. "

"What the hell is aconite?"

"It's a poison," he said. "Word got around that someone's been going after us - "

"Us? There are more?"

"You'd be surprised. "

"You got that right. "

"So anyway, I got some atropine just in case some nut job decided to throw some wolfsbane in my direction. And that's pretty much what happened. "

"Wolfsbane," she said, confused. "Wait. Where is the nut job? There's a van outside - "

She jumped up, grabbed her gun, and charged back out.

"Mona!" he called after her. "Don't go in there!"

She appeared in the doorway a minute later, the blood draining from her face, the gun dangling limply at her side.

"I'm going to go outside and be sick for a while," she said numbly. "You wait here. "

Tags: Carrie Vaughn Kitty Norville Fantasy