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Arnie trailed off after one last token woof of protest.

"Thank you, Mister Lehrmann," said the watcher, strolling into view. His men spread out behind him, their guns pointed at Lehrmann's cage.

"What did you do to Carson?" asked Lehrmann.

"He's asleep," said the watcher. "Unharmed, but asleep. Unlike my man, who is somewhat harmed but very much awake. I trust that Carson had all of his shots?"

"Yeah," said Lehrmann. "I'm gonna have to get him more if he bit one of you guys. "

"Cute," said the watcher. "Why do you call him Carson?"

"I named him for Johnny," said Lehrmann, standing toward the rear of his cage with his arms folded. "He's my late-night dog. "

"How do you do it?" asked the man. "How do you get through the change so calmly?"

"What's it to you?" asked Lehrmann.

"Curiosity," said the man. "Werewolves are a hobby of mine. "

"Meditation, relaxation techniques," said Lehrmann. "Nothing fancy. You just set your mind to it. "

"Yet you keep yourself caged. Why?"

"First hour is always rough," said Lehrmann. "Just a precaution. "

"Yes, I've watched you go through it for a couple of months, now," said the man, pulling out a small notebook. "The timer is set to release you at precisely one hour after sunset. Then you usually watch television until midnight, then go to sleep. Fascinating life you lead. "

"Keeps me out of trouble," said Lehrmann, glancing through the bars at the watch on the table.

"Don't bother," said the man. "You still have half an hour until the lock opens. I'm surprised you don't have a backup switch for emergencies. "

"That's Carson's job," said Lehrmann.

"Unfortunate," said the man.

"Yeah, I've got to figure out something better," said Lehrmann. "Never figured on the backup needing a backup. So, you gonna tell me who you are?"

The watcher smiled.

"I'm the Bogeyman," he said.

A German shepherd named Max was making the rounds at the factory where he lived. He looked up suddenly, then loped to a small hole in the chain-link fence that only he knew about. He wriggled through quickly, then galloped off into the night.

Sally and Waldo were three blocks from her house when he became agitated and strained against the leash, nearly pulling her off her feet.

"Waldo, come!" she said.

He looked at her resentfully.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

He whined. She squatted to look into his eyes. She studied them for a long time, then reached down to unclip his leash.

"All right, but you have to come back soon," she said. "I don't want either of us to get into trouble. "

Mona stood at the doorway of her town house, a tumbler in her hand and Nicky by her side. She looked up at the full moon and shivered.

"Go to him," she whispered to Nicky, and the dog took off down the street.

Tags: Carrie Vaughn Kitty Norville Fantasy