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Which it might if she didn’t learn how to run that infernal washing machine. The first time she tried to wash a load of clothes herself, as a surprise for Archer, she’d put too much “detergent” into it. Bubbles had flowed out as if it was foaming at the mouth. In the beginning the bubbles were rather delightful, but it wasn’t long before her delight turned to horror.

Her cheeks heated as she remembered how she had frantically used the “telephone”, punching in the numbers Archer had left scribbled on a pad next to the phone. He’d hurried home to find her rushing around with towels to mop up the bubbles that kept pouring from the machine’s mouth.

He’d turned it off and the soap bubbles stopped pouring out of it. She thought she heard him snort with laughter. The moment she shot her angry gaze at him, his features turned innocent.

Now Lilin shook her head and went into the house where she’d prepared a surprise dinner for Archer. She liked how predictable he was in coming home at the same time every day.

She’d set the table the way he’d taught her. In the centre she placed the mashed potatoes (so, they were a little lumpy and watery), peas (that were just a tad brown), and a beef roast she’d been cooking all day in the crockpot (it was on the overdone side, but never mind that). For dessert, she would grab the ice cream stashed in the freezer and the chocolate sauce from the refrigerator. She couldn’t go wrong with that. She hoped.

On the table was the jelly jar filled with wildflower blooms he’d brought home yesterday.

Lilin wondered at the happiness expanding in her chest.

Thumping noises on the steps and porch. Archer’s home!

A smile lit her face as she hurried to open the door. “I made dinner,” she said as soon as he walked in. “By myself.”

He gave her one of his sexy grins after he closed the door. To her surprise, he caught her by the waist, brought her to him, and brushed his lips over hers. “Thank you,” he murmured against her mouth, and her knees nearly gave out on her.

Wow. If he did that each time she had dinner waiting for him, she was going to prepare a meal every day.

Archer drew away and she steadied herself by placing her palm on the entryway table. He took her free hand and led her to the kitchen where they sat at the table.

If Archer was unhappy with dinner, he didn’t show it. He ate two big helpings of everything! She couldn’t help grinning as he ate.

Later, when she started to prise spoonfuls of ice cream from the container into two dessert dishes, he didn’t laugh when she flung a chunk of ice cream across the kitchen. However, she did see amusement in his eyes when she squirted chocolate sauce on her face and hands instead of on what ice cream had made it into the cups.

“Let me help.” He took her in his arms and licked sauce from her nose and cheeks. She shivered with every touch, every kiss, as he continued on to her palms and wrists. When he had licked every bit of chocolate off her, he leaned his back against the kitchen counter and brought her fully into his embrace. She tilted her face and looked into his eyes before he moved his mouth to hers.


Lilin sank against Archer and moaned as he devoured her. He tasted of chocolate and male. Better than anything she remembered tasting. His scent — Goddess, he smelled good. Testosterone, sawdust from the work site, pine and fresh air from the outdoors.

In all the time she’d lived with him, he hadn’t kissed her. He’d taught her, taken care of her, bought her clothes, and had done so much for her. He’d never pressed her for anything.

In truth, she hadn’t been ready. She, a former Succubus, was not ready for sex as a mortal. The thought was so absurd she would have laughed if she weren’t so busy moaning at the things Archer was doing to her.

He kissed her thoroughly, like no human male should be able to. His big hands stroked her body as if she was fragile. He eased his hands further down until he cupped her buttocks, squeezing and massaging them.

His hardness pressed against her belly as she wrapped her arms around his neck. The ache between her thighs was fierce and her breasts felt heavy. She wanted him now, more than anything she had ever wanted before.

When he raised his head, his eyes were darker blue and his chest rose and fell faster than before. “I need a shower.”

“I’m sticky from the chocolate.” She bit his lower lip. “I’ll join you.”

“We’ll save water.” He slipped his tongue into her mouth then drew it out again. “Economical.”

He picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist and kept her arms tight around his neck as he carried her into his bedroom.

Archer started the shower so the water would run warm. God, he’d wanted Lilin for so long. But he’d given her time to adjust and had given himself time to get to know her.

She had to be from another world. Or raised by wolves. She’d been like a child needing to be taught almost everything. He enjoyed her delight in simple things, like the time he brought wildflowers home for her. She’d been so disappointed when the first flowers had wilted that he brought her bouquets almost daily.

He finished adjusting the water’s temperature and found Lilin naked. As magical as if she were still a Succubus. The idea still seemed unbelievable, but everything about Lilin was unusual.

She was so beautiful. Her silvery-blonde hair tumbled to her waist; her grey eyes were wide and innocent.

He took her into his arms and felt the softness of her body through his clothing. When he kissed her, he lost himself in the moment, never wanting it to end. Only the pounding of water against marble reminded him of their shower.

Tags: Carrie Vaughn Kitty Norville Fantasy