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“That’s rich,” she begins before she turns to walk to the living room. “That’s so rich coming from you of all people.”

What the actual fuck is going on?

I watch the defiant way her ponytail sways as she marches across the room. I want to twist it into my fist and yank on it as I fuck her from behind.

“Olivia, answer the question.”

Her arms are crossed over her chest when she turns. “No.”

I close the distance between us with steady, even steps. “Answer the question.”

“Only if you answer a question for me first.”

How the fuck did this turn into a negotiation?

I want to know if he touched her, so I agree with a brisk nod.

She steps closer to me, her eyes burning into mine. “How did you feel when your lover walked in on you and another woman? How do you think she felt to find you in your underwear with a naked woman?”

I scrub my hand over the back of my neck. “What the hell are you talking about?”

Her finger jabs into the middle of my chest. “Let me refresh your memory. You met a woman and you took her home that night.”

I shrug. “That doesn’t help.”

She huffs. “You had sex. Apparently, you had a lot of sex for a couple of months and one day she showed up at your place and you were fucking someone else.”

I stare into her stormy blue eyes. They’re filled with passion and anger.

She’s jealous.

She’s scared too. It’s there in her posture and the tremble of her bottom lip.

“You’re talking about Lola.” I exhale harshly. “It was her idea to keep things casual. She was fucking her boss. I was fucking… other women. She happened to show up one night when I had company.”

Skepticism knits her brow. “You didn’t cheat on her?”

“We were never exclusive,” I say tightly. “She knew I was sleeping with other women.”

She doesn’t say a word.

“Her boss fired her that day,” I go on, “he ended the personal relationship too. She took that frustration out on me when she came over and I wasn’t available to…”

“To screw her,” she finishes for me.

I nod. “I don’t know who told you about her, but you only heard one side of the story.”

She rubs her temples. “I didn’t know.”

I take a tentative step toward her. “If I were in a relationship with a woman, I would not fuck around.”

She works on a swallow. “Are you fucking around now?”

“Are you?” I ask because I need to know if she’s sleeping with Derek.

“No,” she whispers. “It’s only you.”

I believe her. I see the truth in her eyes.

Tags: Deborah Bladon Just This Once Erotic