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This is the first time I’ve ever caught a glimpse of one of the men she’s sleeping with. It was worth the wait. This man is ridiculously hot.

I have to cross the room so I can get to the hallway that leads to my bedroom. I need to do that without the naked stranger noticing me. The last thing I want is to make small talk with Lisa’s lover right now.

I finally pull my gaze away from him to look down at the hardwood floors. I need to think. I know the sight of Lisa’s latest is jumbling my thought process. It’s understandable though. Who wouldn’t have trouble focusing when an incredibly attractive naked man is across the room?


I close my eyes when I hear the distinctive rumble of a deep voice. Why does this man’s voice have to sound so damn sexy?

I’ve never corrected Lisa about my name. Matilda Jean Baker is my full name so my lawyer used it for the rental agreement I had her sign before she moved in. Almost everyone, other than my boss, calls me Tilly.

I admit I like that the naked stranger is calling me Matilda, although I’m shocked Lisa bothered to mention me to him.

My eyes open and I try to focus on the phone in my hand. It’s a stall tactic. I’m hesitant to look up again. I’ve already got a mental image of his body. I doubt I’ll ever forget it.

“I’m not supposed to be here,” I say with a sigh. “I came home early.”

I hear his footsteps as he nears me.

Dammit. The naked stranger is almost right in front of me.

“I thought you were supposed to be in San Francisco until Sunday.”

I eye his bare feet. I know eventually I need to look up, but he’s so close now and I don’t trust myself not to stare at his dick. From this vantage point, I’ll be able to see every vein and how wide the crown is.

“Matilda, are you okay? You’re trembling.” His hand brushes against my shoulder. “It’s freezing outside. Did you come from the airport dressed like that?”

He’s one to talk. At least I’m wearing clothes. The ripped jeans and old red college T-shirt I’m wearing did nothing to protect me from the winter weather that arrived while I was gone. When I left last week, it was forty degrees warmer than it is now.

“I’ll make some coffee.”

My head darts up when he makes that announcement. Who offers to make a pot of coffee at two a.m. when they’re wearing nothing and their lover is probably waiting in her bedroom for another round.

My gaze skims over his smooth chest until it lands on the fur blanket he’s wrapped around his waist. His left hand is resting on his hip, the blanket’s edges bunched into his fist.

“I didn’t startle you, did I?” He looks down and into my blue eyes. “It’s dark in here. You probably didn’t even notice I was standing over there until I said your name.”

It’s not that dark.

He’s unaware that I was staring at him when I first walked in. That means I won’t have to awkwardly try and explain to my roommate why I was checking out her nude lover.

At least now he’s grabbed the fur blanket from where it’s usually placed over the back of the brown leather couch. I use that blanket to wrap around myself when I watch my favorite shows in the evening. Now, I’ll always think about the fact that it touched his naked body.

I shake that thought from my head. “I should get to bed. It’s been a long day for me.”

He nods. “I understand. There’s nothing better than sleeping in your own bed after a trip.”

I reach to pick up my suitcase before I head toward my bedroom. He’s wrong. The only thing better than sleeping in my bed after my trip to San Francisco would be sleeping next to him. Although, after seeing him naked, sleep would be the last thing I’d want to do.

“It’s been a pleasure meeting you, Matilda,” he calls from behind me.

The pleasure is all mine. It’s technically all Lisa’s. She’s the one who gets to enjoy what I just saw.

With any luck, I won’t hear the two of them together. After the week I just had, the last thing I need is a reminder that there are men in the world who know how to a fuck a woman raw.

I have no doubt that the naked stranger in my living room is one of them.

Coming Soon

Tags: Deborah Bladon Just This Once Erotic