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“You need to be at that practice,” I stress the point. “My class will go off without a hitch.”

She turns her attention to the sleeveless black dress I’m wearing. She skims her hand over the belt before she adjusts the collar. “You look sophisticated. Your students are going to be impressed from the moment they walk into the studio.”

I know I have more than an hour before class starts but my nerves are already in high gear. I spent most of the weekend preparing the studio, the supplies and the lights. I have everything set to go, including a brief introductory speech about myself. I also want to touch on what I hope my students will get out of the class.

“I’m going to run up to the studio and double check that I have all bases covered.” I smooth my hair over my shoulders. “Wish me luck.”

“You don’t need luck, Piper. You have something better than luck. Talent. You’re going to blow your students away tonight. Mark my words.”

Chapter 9


The last thing you want to see when you walk into a room is the woman you’re interested in talking to a naked guy.

That’s the sight that greeted me when I took my seat in the small studio at Grant Gallery. I was let into the gallery by a security guard who brought me up here. I admit I was late. On a good day I leave my office by nine p.m., so making it here by seven was a stretch. I slid onto the stool behind the empty easel at half-past seven and by then Piper was engaged in a conversation with a guy with a semi-hard dick.

That seems to be finishing up now since she’s pointing at a small stage at the front of the studio that she apparently wants him to get up on.

He does. He strikes a pose with his arms over his head, his abs flexed and a side view of his cock.

I’m not coming into this blindly. I read the course outline this afternoon before I hit the registration button. In my imagination, I thought a beautiful woman would be resting on her back on a velvet sofa eating grapes.

I haven’t been able to stop thinking about Piper since she showed up at my office on Friday. I don’t go out of my way to get any woman into bed, but after researching Piper online, I signed up for her class. I doubt like hell I’ll make it past tonight, but that’s all the time I need to convince her to have a drink with me. Besides, I wanted to see for myself what she’s like when she’s leading a group of aspiring artists.

I peek around the easel when Piper starts talking. “Since you all have varying degrees of experience, I thought tonight we’d focus on your vision of what you see before you. I want you to draw Rufus just as you see him. Don’t concern yourself with details. This is simply an exercise meant to help me determine how you view the model.”

I stare at the blank paper in front of me.

If I had a clue where to start, I might, but instead, I lean over to look at the paper of the woman sitting next to me.

“This isn’t Algebra. You can’t cheat.” She shoots me a look. “I’m Brenda. You’re late.”

“I’m lost,” I admit. “Have you taken one of these classes before?”

She sets her charcoal pencil down. “I’m a first-timer too. Let’s say we pair up as study buddies. You can come over to my place after class so we can practice drawing. I’ll be your model if you’ll be mine.”

I’m getting hit on while a naked man is less than twenty feet away. I’ll take the ego boost.

“I’ll have to pass.” I look over to where Piper is standing next to another student. It’s a man around my age. I’m tempted to call her over, but I didn’t come here to disrupt her work. I came here to learn more about her.

“Suit yourself.” She points at my three-piece navy blue suit. “By the way, you have excellent taste in clothing.”

I nod in appre

ciation as I turn back to the easel.

“Pick up the pencil and let the subject speak to you.” Piper’s voice carries from behind me. “Don’t restrict yourself by your own expectations. Let your creativity lead you where it wants to.”

It takes a beat before I realize she’s talking to me so I respond. “What if my creativity fucked off a long time ago?”

I hear her breath catch. A moment later she steps into the spot next to my stool. “Mr. Kent? Is that you?”

I turn to her and smile. “Hello again, Piper.”

Her gaze falls to the blank paper in front of me before she eyes me. “What are you doing here?”

“I’m here to learn. You’re here to teach. Let’s get started, shall we?”

Tags: Deborah Bladon Just This Once Erotic