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“Trevor,” he whispers under his breath. “What’s your name?”

Her gaze drops back to her phone. “I’m Gabriella and that’s Chloe.”

Naturally, he doesn’t look in my direction at all. I pick up the glass of water and take a drink while my stomach rumbles for more. I last ate hours ago and that was only an apple. I’m famished.

“It’s a pleasure meeting you, Gabriella.” His hand shoots out toward her. “I’m looking forward to seeing you later tonight.”

“Can you give us a minute to decide on dinner?” She ignores his offered hand along with everything he just said. “Come back around in five and we’ll be ready to order.”

He jumps into action and moves toward another table where a couple has just been seated.

“Are you going to text him?”

She pushes her phone toward me and I read what’s on the screen.

Trevor, the server: thin moustache.

“I thought you gave up taking notes on the men you meet?” I laugh as I hand her back her phone.

“I never know when I’ll run into a man I’ve already met.” She drops her phone in her bag. “Besides, I made him feel good and we’ll get excellent service.”

“He’ll be waiting with baited breath at midnight to hear from you.”

She enjoys a leisurely sip of her drink. “If I have enough of these, I might grab a disposable razor for that god-awful moustache and meet him after all.”

I look over the menu. “I’m going to have a steak. That’s okay, right?”

“I’m all for feeding the hungry.” She looks to where Trevor is standing near the bar before her gaze shifts back to me. “I’ll drop the subject of where you were yesterday morning if you tell me if it’s the same guy who arranged for the flower delivery.”

“It’s him,” I whisper under my breath. “That’s the guy.”

“I’m glad you met someone.” She reaches across the table to cover my hand with hers. “It’s good to see you having fun.”

“It is fun.” I pick up another breadstick and grasp it firmly in my palm. “It’s harmless fun and right now, that’s exactly what I need.”

Chapter 16


“Do you want to hit up a museum on Saturday?” Rocco asks before he picks up the tea I ordered. “There’s a new installation at the Whitney that I’d like to check out.”

Art isn’t something that interests me. Rocco happens to love it and since he can’t find anyone else who is willing to spend hours in a museum with him, I’m usually the one who tags along.

I’m tempted to say yes, but I have an important case heading to trial next month so every spare second I have is devoted to work. “I’m going to be in the office all weekend. You can drop by after the museum and fill me in.”

“And bring one of these?” He hands me a tall paper cup of green tea. “Maybe a pizza too?”

“With extra cheese and pepperoni?” I take a small sip of the hot liquid.

He swallows a mouthful of the coffee he ordered for himself. “I know how you like your pizza.”

“How does she like her pizza?”

Rocco and I both turn at the sound of a male voice. I recognize it immediately.

I haven’t seen Evan in more than a week-and-a-half. I’ve been by the café most mornings, although I had to rush past it twice last week when I was running late for meetings. I did stop briefly to peer in through the window and didn’t spot him.

I was disappointed but that was quickly replaced with acceptance. Evan and I aren’t dating. We fuck. It’s as casual as any relationship between two people can be.

Tags: Deborah Bladon Just This Once Erotic