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“He only has one bedroom,” she says.

“Uh huh.”

She sighs long and loud before saying, “I hate to think about how upset God would be at the two of you if you move in there without getting married.”

I give my head a shake. “Baka, I’m not planning to move in there.”

“Good. Good, good. So, what you want me to buy for food? He dropped off his debit card and told me to stock you up and make sure you had ingredients for cupcakes, but I don’t know what’s in your cupcakes.”

If Jude thinks I’m baking cupcakes for him, he’s very, very fucking wrong.

I can’t help but smirk, though. “Is this your way of asking me for my cupcake recipe, Baka?”

She doesn’t reply for a second. I think I stumped her.

“I just need to do the shopping, Ally,” she says finally.

“If we have babies, I’ll tell you.” I deadpan.

She laughs loud. “Funny girl.”

“Actually, I’d be happy to share my recipe with you.”

“Okay, I can’t shop until tomorrow, but he said you have food there for tonight. When I come tomorrow, we can make cupcakes together.”

I wince. “I work until at least five, so tomorrow isn’t likely.”


“But I’ll give you a list of ingredients and anything else I can think of for food, but I’m really not fussy. I’ll eat just about anything.”

“Send me a list of foods you like. I’ll buy everything.”

“Thanks, Baka.”

“Jude says we should all come for dinner tomorrow,” she adds. “I’ll make something. See you tomorrow. Write down this number and send me a text.”

I frown as I write down the number she recites. How can I give Jude the silent treatment if his whole family is there? I’m sure he did that on purpose.

Well, at least there’s tonight, I guess.

But why am I giving him the silent treatment? He’s trying to keep me safe. He’s super sexy and really good at sex. He cooks. He’s taking care of me.


Because he’s railroading me?

Because he’s getting in the way of me being stupid?


I’m a jerk.


It’s 9:45 at night when Fred Young leans over the half-wall to look down at me. I’m currently not working; I’m still being a jerk. Well, I was working. And then I spent time learning about more advanced night courses for a graphic design degree for after I’m done my current course. But now I’m on Pinterest, looking at manicure designs and have been doing that for the past fifteen minutes.

Me and Fred are the only two here, save Austin Carmichael who might still be here, too; I’m not sure. I saw him a little while ago and based on his facial expression, he looks like I feel. Angry. Frustrated. I wondered, idly if the New York drama has anything to do with it or if it’s all about Aiden’s ex.

I also found myself wondering how his forced roommate situation is going, if it’s going anything like mine.

“Think you’ll be wrapping up soon?” Fred asks.

“You can go. I’ll just grab a rideshare when I’m done.”

He gives me a tight smile. “Absolutely not.”

“I don’t want to keep you,” I say.

“It’s fine. I’m here until you’re done.”

His eyes bounce to my monitor, and they do it with judgement.

Ugh. I’m torturing my poor bodyguard and he knows I’m not really working at this point.

“Fine. We can go.” I roll my eyes.

He breathes out a sigh of relief. “I’ll drop you off.”

“It’s okay.”

“I’d follow the rideshare there anyway so might as well save you the cash.”


I shut my computer down and grab my phone and my bag.


The garage door is opening as we pull in.

I didn’t tell him to take me here. He didn’t even ask where to take me, just delivered me here.

“Sorry to keep you so late, Fred,” I say as I unbuckle the seatbelt.

He grunts in reply.


I head inside and see the inside door already open. As I climb the three garage steps, Jude appears in the doorway. He’s wearing black sweatpants and nothing else. Not a shirt. Not socks. He’s also wearing an expression that I try to ignore.

He’s got both hands stuffed in his pockets and one shoulder against the door jamb.

I have to walk sideways to get by him.

I see Georgia at the top of the stairs. She meows like a question.

“I’ve been working all day, kitty girl. How was your day?”

She meows again and then turns and walks away.

I know he’s behind me. I say nothing, but climb up and see the dinner table set for two with candles a vase of flowers, and wine.

I continue moving upstairs to the bedroom level and head straight into the bathroom and shut the door and lean against it.

The door handle doesn’t have a lock.

Of course.

There’s a knock on it.

I wince and say nothing.

The doorknob turns, but I keep my weight against the door so there can be no mistaking my message.

Tags: D.D. Prince Alphahole Roommates Romance