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I need to get a fucking grip.

I also need air. Cool New York City night air.

I empty the bottle in my hand in one last swallow. “Where do you go when you want great Greek food?”

“There’s a food truck not far from here,” she answers hesitantly. “Why?”

“Tell your sister she needs to cook her own dinner.” I drop the bottle on the dining room table on the way back to my bedroom. “Give me two minutes to change.”

“Change clothes?” She steps toward me.

I turn back, tempted to curl my finger at her in an invitation to follow me, but Garent’s goddamn rules and regulations keep my hand by my side. “I haven’t had dinner yet. Neither have you. We’ll walk down to the truck together.”

“Together?” she parrots back. “You and me?”

I clarify because I can’t tell what’s going through that beautiful head of hers. “I want details about the party supply store Duke bought into. I’m killing that deal, and I need to know everything you do about Duke’s plans for that venture. We’ll walk and talk about that.”

Her lips part. “It’s a working dinner.”

If there’s disappointment in her tone I sure as hell don’t hear it. I sense she’s relieved that I’m not trying to sweep her off her feet. “That’s what it is.”

“I’m ready when you are.” A smile blooms on her mouth.

I take off down the hallway toward my bedroom. This evening took a hell of a sharp turn in a direction I wasn’t planning on heading, but I’ll go along for the ride.

Greek food with Ms. Calvetti should prove to be interesting.

Chapter 24


What do they say about a well-dressed man?

It should be that every woman turns to get a glimpse of him. That’s what’s happening now as Barrett and I walk down Fifth Avenue side-by-side.

He changed into charcoal gray pants and a black button-down shirt before we left his apartment. He rolled the sleeves on that and left the top two buttons open. He looks gorgeous and seriously delicious.

Scrap that last thought.

I have to stop thinking that way about him, even though I did see his bare chest less than an hour ago. That image is imprinted on my brain for eternity because of his abs and biceps and that gorgeous happy trail of dark hair that disappeared under the waistband of his sweatpants.

“Isabella?” His deep voice shatters my thoughts about his sexy-as-sin body.

It was so much easier working for Duke because he wasn’t my type.

“Yes?” I glance over at him.

“I asked you twice what your thoughts were about the acquisition of the party supply store.”

It was a reckless move on Duke’s part. I saw the sales numbers for the mom and pop run store. I warned my then boss that he needed to rethink how he could help the elderly couple, but he dove into the deal with both feet.

That’s how Duke is. He jumps first and asks questions after everyone has signed the contracts.

I slow as we near the Greek food cart. The man in the suit standing at the window placing his order is all too familiar to me.

Without a word from me, he turns in our direction. Recognition lights up his handsome face. “Bella?”

His voice is just as I remember. Soft and soothing. It offered me comfort after a long day or a hard-fought battle with an exam. He was a vital part of my life when I was in college. I thought he might be important to me forever.

Tags: Deborah Bladon The Calvettis of New York Romance