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I would have ignored anyone else, but my boss is an instant answer. I turn and walk away, pushing my office door closed with my shoulder as I try and shake off the unwanted mental image of Isabella’s nude body pressed between Dale and another man.

Chapter 13


I slipped out of the office at five o’clock on the dot. Usually, I’m at my desk until well past six clearing away the day’s emails and following up with phone calls. Today, I tied everything up early.

Barrett was on a call with his office door closed, so I left without a word.

I don’t owe him a goodbye or a have a swell night.

I had to reluctantly spend my day consoling people who don’t have a job waiting for them tomorrow morning.

I thumb out a quick text to Max since I haven’t heard from him all day.

Bella: We’re meeting Dale for a drink before the movie. Before you respond to this text, remember that you owe me one.

I round the corner while I wait for him to reply.

The smell of Greek food wafting from one of the street carts is tempting, but I keep walking. I have leftovers waiting for me at home. I’ll heat up my dinner and eat it while I’m getting ready.

I look down when my phone buzzes in my hand.

Max: I’ll be your third wheel as long as I get to pick the movie.

I laugh out loud, drawing the glances of two women walking near me. I pop a brow at them and toss them a wave.

They both wave back with wide smiles on their faces.

This is one of the reasons why I love Manhattan as much as I do. A stranger’s smile can brighten your day.

I need that. Today was hell. I’ve never been so emotional at work before. That’s likely because Duke never fired anyone while I worked for him.

My pace slows as I near a pretzel cart. I could snack on one on my way home. It wouldn’t ruin my dinner. It would be more of an appetizer before the main course of warmed up chicken and dumplings.

I fish in my purse for my wallet, but my phone buzzes, stealing my attention.

I expect to see Max’s name on the screen, but it’s my boss.

Barrett: Where are you?

I glance over at the stack of baked pretzels. I can almost taste the first bite. It wouldn’t hurt to buy one for me and one to give Max later.

My fingers graze over my leather wallet just as my phone sounds when another message arrives.

“Dammit,” I mutter under my breath.

Barrett: I needed to speak with you before you left the office. Call me ASAP.

I should ignore him since I’m off the clock, but I did walk out of the office without a word earlier and I am being paid an exorbitant amount of money to be his assistant.

I compromise. Instead of calling him, I send him a text message. I’m not that excited about meeting up with Dale for a drink, but I am looking forward to hanging out with Max. I’ll handle my boss now, so that I can spend my evening in peace.

Bella: I’m officially done work for the day. Can this wait until tomorrow?

Barrett: No.

I expect another message, but there’s nothing. No snippy reply. No three bouncing dots signaling he’s writing something to send back to me.

Tags: Deborah Bladon The Calvettis of New York Romance