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Reese recovered and took another swing at me. Flame brushed my stomach as I dodged it. Lighting Charge in my palms, I shot a bolt near his foot. He stared at me wide-eyed, knowing I’d missed on purpose. I contemplated removing my mask for a split second. But I looked over and saw the others had just defeated their two foes.

I was yanked up as Reese jerked the collar of my leather jacket, bringing my face close to his. He pulled back his fist, ready to land a blow…

I flashed him my violet eyes, and he froze, then tilted his head. “Dez?”

His grip loosened, and I wrenched free. I ran and jumped onto the ledge of the ship. Pulling the chain on my pack, I hurdled off the back of the airship behind Lana, Nick, and Jace—my glider wings spreading as I hit the open air.

Chapter Nineteen

THE OCEAN CAME AT ME FAST. I cranked the gear on the Steam Glider, and its canvas wings flapped, lifting me higher. Nick let out a whoop and pumped his fist in the air. I laughed.

The wind whistled in my ears as I glided over the bay. No matter what had just happened on the airship, the feeling of soaring through the sky was amazing. I shivered as the cool night air whipped across my face.

Soon the shack came into view, and Jace pointed down. I turned the gear and my wings stopped flapping. They stretched out wide as I glided, coasting past the pier. I angled back, stretching my legs out in front of me and hit the gravel running. I rolled as I couldn’t come to a complete stop on my feet. Thankfully my glider wings were tucked securely back into the device’s pack. Being gouged with copper wire would be painful, I imagined.

I jumped to my feet and ran. Jace, Lana, and Nick were ahead of me and almost to the back of the shack where the levibikes were stashed. I glanced over my shoulder, but no one was following us. My heart thudded heavily. I didn’t know if they weren’t pursuing us because we’d managed a successful getaway or because Reese had stopped them, allowing me to escape. Either way, I was stoked.

Nick and Jace uncovered the levibikes. I hopped on behind Jace, and we quickly hovered away. None of us spoke as we hit the back roadways. I think we were still in shock that we’d actually gotten away. But we weren’t clear yet. And no one wanted to jinx the mission until we were safely back in the Academy.

We didn’t park inside the Academy grounds. The gates were locked and bolted. We stashed the levibikes in the woods behind the lot and climbed the fence. I was surprised it wasn’t shielded by Charge, but realized that would be hard to explain to anyone who wasn’t Kythan and happened to touch it. I shook my head, trying to get my thoughts centered. My mind was thinking of anything and everything other than what had just happened.

I didn’t want to consider what seeing Reese in a uniform could mean. First, it didn’t make sense. He’d never said one thing about being a part of the Narco guard. Second, what did keeping a secret like that from me mean? What was he hiding? Had our whole relationship been a lie? And third, how could he be a part of the guard with his power? It was too risky. I gritted my teeth. I was still concerned for him even though I was furious.

As we neared the side entrance, I began to relax. The door remained ajar. Mr. Liam had kept his word. We snuck inside, creeping along the basement walls. When we reached the custodian room, I sank down, burying my head between my knees.

A hand caressed my back. “Dez, we’re fine. We made it.” Jace spoke reassuringly into my hair and wrapped his arms around me.

“I know.” I pressed into his embrace. “I just can’t believe how close we came to getting killed.”

Nick spread out a blanket. “We only have a couple hours till morning.” He lay down. “Better get some sleep so we don’t look like we’ve been out all night on a secret mission raiding the Council’s airship.”

“Good idea,” Lana said, settling down beside her brother.

We had agreed that it would be too risky to attempt getting back to our units in the early morning hours. So we’d decide

d to stay in the basement until first light. No one would question random students roaming the halls in the morning. We just had to make sure no one questioned our alibis.

I’d just gotten back to my unit after bathing when I saw the light on my communicator flashing. I raced over and snatched it up. My first thought was Jace—I worried we’d been found out somehow. But my heart nearly leapt from my chest as I saw a message from Reese, instead.


I flopped onto my bed and tugged the towel tighter around me. That one word held the weight of all my emotions. He wanted to meet with me. Too many scenarios flooded my mind at once. If he was truly a part of the Narcolym guard, there could be an ambush waiting for me. I shook the thought from my head. This was Reese. He’d allowed us to escape last night. Whatever his part, or whatever he’d kept from me, I’d decide what to believe after I gave him a chance to explain.

That last thought rubbed against the sore wound in my heart. He’d never allowed me a chance to explain about Jace. But, I wasn’t going to pay him back just out of spite. There was too much at risk to hold a grudge. I hit send on my communicator, agreeing to meet with him and asking where.

Not a minute passed before he responded: Mathematics. Ten minutes.

Class rooms were probably the best place for privacy. Everyone was either off campus or someplace else on the Academy grounds. No one would be in class on a Saturday. But I still wanted to be cautious. I preferred to meet him somewhere off grounds. Although, I didn’t want to be gone for that long, either. Jace or Lana might worry.

I thought about leaving Lana a note, but decided I wouldn’t be longer than half an hour. She was still in the bathroom cleaning up. The girl took long showers. She might not even be out by the time I was back.

Tossing my towel across the bed, I headed to my drawer. I threw on a pair of leather breeches and a black peasant top. Then I quickly pulled a brush through my hair and tied it back away from my face. I pushed my communicator into my back pocket and hurried out of the room. The halls were eerily quiet. It was the first time I’d been at the Academy on a weekend. Either the silence was bothering me or I was paranoid after the night I’d had. It felt as if someone was watching me around every corner.

I rapped on the door to Mathematics just in case my math teacher, Ms. Harvey, was there for whatever reason. The door opened, and I met Reese’s fire red eyes. He ushered me inside the room, and I glanced around. We were alone. So far, no ambush.

Walking toward the far corner of the room, I moved slowly. Then I turned, and pressing my backside against a desk, I placed my palms on top of it, holding myself up. I felt I needed the extra support.

Reese eyed me, moving closer. “What the hell was that last night?” He laced his arms over his chest once he was a few feet away from me.

Tags: Trisha Wolfe Kythan Guardians Young Adult