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Nodding now, she said, “I am. That was just really intense.”

Pulling her close, he said, “I know. I had this idea of how it would be between us, and every time…” He trailed off.

Shaking his head, he said, “I wasn’t expecting it to be this much…”

Trailing off again, he wasn’t sure how to continue. Looking at her, he saw her nod in agreement.

“Exactly,” she said. “Me neither.”

Tucking her head against his chest now, he rested his chin on top of it and sighed. He was way out of his depth.

Chapter 21

In the few weeks since they’d returned from San Diego, Chloe had seen Chris almost every day. Either she’d been at his place, or he’d been at hers. He’d given her a drawer for clothes at his place, and vice versa. They had exchanged keys. They had all of the normal trappings of a relationship, but they hadn’t ever really discussed it.

They didn’t really discuss feelings all that much though. The last time they’d even broached the subject had been that last night in San Diego. The sex between them had been particularly intense. She’d never really considered sex to be making love until that night. In her previous relationships, she’d never encountered anything at all like the depth of feeling she had for Chris. It scared the shit out of her.

Looking back now, she realized he’d been kind of freaked out too. They’d cuddled for a few minutes after, then ended up on the balcony. They’d stayed up, talking half the night. He’d shared a lot about his childhood. After talking about his parents, she could totally see why he’d be a little gun-shy about relationships. They’d been married to each other and divorced from each other several times. He’d been bounced back and forth like a yo-yo.

Shrugging, Chloe decided it wasn’t incredibly important that they really discuss things anyway. She wasn’t necessarily in a hurry to put a label on things yet either. It had been a couple months, but it was probably a bit early to put her feelings out there.

Hearing a knock on the door, she realized she had completely zoned out for longer than intended. Checking the peephole, she saw Sara waiting. Opening the door, she said, “Sorry. Sorry. Come in. Let me get shoes and I’ll be ready.”

Deacon and Chris had gone out on the boat fishing today. She and Sara had been invited but they both cringed at the idea of baiting a hook. Besides, Chloe had gone out with Chris on the boat last weekend. They’d crossed one particular item off his bucket list. She didn’t think she’d be able to look at any flat surfaces on his boat now without recalling how he’d fucked her on them.

Smirking now, she slid on her flats and grabbed her bag. Sara had moved to the mirror in her guest bathroom to check her hair. When she came out, Chloe said, “I’ve been waiting. Come on, woman.”

Snorting, Sara mocked, “Sorry. Let me get shoes and I’ll be ready.”

Laughing, she said, “I have them. We can totally leave now.”

Five minutes later they were headed toward the outlet stores. Chloe sighed happily and said, “I am so glad we’re not fishing right now.”

“Hell yes! The thought of being out of a boat all day is like the seventh level of hell. All that sun.” Sara shuddered.

“The boat isn’t too bad, but I’d rather die than bait a hook with a live animal,” Chloe said, cringing with disgust.

“Can we snag some coffee? I’m exhausted. I had a huge wedding last night,” Sara asked.

“And I wasn’t even invited?” Chloe joked.

Rolling her eyes, she said, “Dork.”

“Have you ever known me to say no to coffee?” Chloe asked.

Five minutes later, they hit the drive-thru at Cuppa Joe and then got on to the freeway. They headed toward the mall in relative silence, each of them taking sips of their drinks. Finally, Sara broke the silence.

“So, how was San Diego? We haven’t really had much chance to talk since you’ve been back. I saw the ten million pictures. I need details!”

“It was basically a little bit of sightseeing along with two and a half days of filthy sex. You’re sure you want details, Sara?”

Laughing, Sara said, “Hell yeah. I definitely want details now!”

Chloe shook her head and glossed over the highlights of the trip. Talking about La Jolla Cove, and the creep grabbing her ass in the hot tub, she recounted the majority of Saturday to her.

Sara eyed her skeptically and said, “Those are the details? Don’t hold back, you saucy minx! Spill.”

Chloe snorted and said, “Honestly, the sex is intense. It’s ridiculously so. I don’t think either of us was prepared for it. It’s only getting better as time passes. It isn’t even just the sex, though. We’re slowly learning all these things about each other and it’s only making things more…” Chloe trailed off, struggling to find the word.

Tags: Michelle Roth Private Relations Paranormal