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“I’ve been hearing you agonize over this for the last two weeks. I’m gonna need some details,” Kelli said, impatiently.

Sighing, Chloe said, “I don’t really have the words. The sex was unbelievable. I thought there would be some awkwardness between us, but it was perfect.”

Kelli was silent for a minute, then said, “At least he was good in bed. That would’ve sucked if there was no chemistry.”

“Totally,” Chloe agreed, “But no worries there. I came so hard at one point I thought I was going to black out. He was incredibly attentive.”

Giggling now, Kelli said, “Sounds like you’ll be seeing him again? Or was this a one off?”

Feeling less awkward now, Chloe laughed and said, “Oh, I think we’ll be doing that as often as we can manage. I don’t know how I missed the chemistry between us all this time.”

“I told you about it the night we all went out,” Kelli said. “I’m glad it worked out for you.”

Changing the subject, Kelli asked, “So did CrossFit destroy you too? I can barely lift my arms today.”

“Yeah. I could barely lift my arms when I got out of bed this morning. Are you sure we have to keep doing this? Could you find someone else to go with you?”

“You don’t want to go anymore?” Kelli asked.

“I’m in a severe amount of pain today. I’m going to do one more class with you and if it doesn’t get any better, I’m quitting.”

“Fine,” she responded. “That seems fair.”

They continued to talk a few minutes more about work, until Chloe pulled into the lot of her apartment complex. Grabbing her phone off the charger, she told Kelli she had a paper to write. They planned to have lunch tomorrow, then hung up.

Walking from the sub garage up to her apartment, she texted Sara to let her know that everything had gone well on her date and that she’d catch up with her a bit later this week.

Receiving an instant response back, Sara replied, “Well since you’re just now responding to me, I’ll take it to mean your date went really well. Call me. I want details.”

Responding back, she said, “Just getting home. It was fantastic. I’ll call you later. Please don’t mention anything to Deacon.”

Her phone buzzed again and she laughed. “I’m certain Deacon knows you’ve had sex before. Seriously. Call me before Sunday football. I command it.”

Smiling, she slipped her phone into her bag and unlocked her front door. Immediately after she had plugged in her phone to charge, she stripped out of her clothes and put them along with some other dirty clothes into the washer to start a load of laundry.

After she’d taken a quick shower and changed into a pair of flannel pajama bottoms and a tank top, she grabbed her macroeconomics book and settled down on her couch. By the time 4:00 p.m. rolled around, she had twelve pages of her paper written. It wasn’t due until Friday, so she figured she’d finish the rest on Tuesday after her CrossFit torturing.

Rolling her shoulders, she winced. She seriously considered skipping Tuesday’s class, but she’d promised Kelli.

Getting up, she moved the last of the laundry to the dryer, then changed into jeans and a T-shirt.

Heading to the grocery store, she grabbed a week’s worth of frozen lunches, some vegetables and fruits, and a few other items. Impulsively, she grabbed a six-pack of Chris’s beer and added it to the cart, then moved on to get a few items from the meat department.

By the time she got home, it was five thirty and she was starving. Sitting down in front of her lap top, she put some pasta on to boil. Checking her work e-mail, she saw that the case she’d been working on for the frozen yogurt chain had just gotten more interesting.

Her boss had forwarded a link to a news story. Apparently, the manager that had been embezzling from them had been arrested for trashing the store after they had fired him. Wincing, she responded back to her boss saying that the evidence had been cut and dried.

She added some sauce to the cooked pasta and had started to eat when her phone rang. She picked it up off the desk and looked at the caller ID. Seeing it was Deacon, she almost dreaded picking up the phone. She hadn’t talked to him since he’d seen the picture.

After letting it ring one more time, she picked up.

“Hey. What’s up?”

“Not much. Hadn’t talked to you at all this week. Figured I’d call and see how you were.”

Chloe narrowed her eyes, knowing that this was a fishing expedition. Not ready to spill her guts yet, she said, “I’m good. Just hanging out. I started doing CrossFit with that girl Kelli you met at Greeley’s a while back. Working on a huge case study.”

She heard him wince and then ask, “The one with the whinny?”

Tags: Michelle Roth Private Relations Paranormal