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“Wait, I didn’t order this,” I told the delivery guy from Dumont Gourmet. He stood in front of the store, holding a bottle of my beloved Bardoux’s Brut Traditionnel. I’d only looked online to see if they had it available and planned to pick it up later.

Dumont Gourmet was run by my brother-in-law’s sister, but she couldn’t possibly know I was planning to order it.

“No, it was a gift order. Sender is a guy named...” He paused, checking a list on his phone. “Harrington.”

My pulse quickened. I took the bottle from him, inspecting it closely. I was bursting to know more details. When had Liam ordered the bottle? Had he scheduled the delivery just as I was about to leave? I didn’t make the delivery guy stay to question him. By the looks of his bulgy backpack, he had lots of stops to make.

The second he left, I grabbed my phone and headed to the back room; the front was packed with customers, and I didn’t want to be in the way.

The front of the shop was very elegant, with velvet couches and golden light fixtures. We were determined to make lingerie shopping a pleasant experience for everyone. Girls transitioning to womanhood, adult women embracing their sensuality, or mothers learning to feel sexy again. We had something for everyone, and we were proud of that.

We’d redone the back room a few months ago because we spent a lot of time here playing around with customization options. The room was windowless, so we had half a dozen lamps in the corners as well as spots in the ceiling. It was also where we kept part of the inventory, so black metal shelves lined the walls.

The silky terracotta carpet was the centerpiece, along with the two dark-green armchairs and the ottoman. This room might not have windows, but it had plenty of life. We’d hung paintings everywhere, so you didn’t even notice the lack of natural light at first.

I wasn’t even trying to tone down my grin as I typed.

Tess: You sent me a bottle of champagne???

Liam: Yes.

Tess: Why?

Liam: I don’t know. Impulse. I wanted to surprise you.

Tess: You certainly did. I was just about to head out to meet Skye.

Liam: I know. You said you’re meeting her at six.

Wow, he was so thoughtful!

Liam: Maybe also a gift to get in your good graces. Easier to make you tell me all about your inappropriate habits next time.

Holy shit, he was being flirty again. It was so much easier to resist flirting back over the phone than face-to-face. He was going to be our business partner. There was no place for anything else. Besides, the way my relationships were going, the chances of the next one going bust were at 99 percent.

Liam: What are you doing now?

Tess: Working on more customization options.

Liam: Want to send me pictures?

I burst out laughing, shaking my head.

Tess: I’m trying them on myself.

Liam: ...

Tess: Liam!!!!

He didn’t reply, so I sent another message as I sat down on the round red velvet ottoman, crossing my legs.

Tess: I meant that in a fierce tone. Does it translate into writing?

Liam: Not really. I’m picturing you trying on merchandise.

Heat spread through me like wildfire, from the top of my head all the way to the tips of my fingers and toes.

Liam: I know it’s risky territory, but I like you, Tess. You’re driven and determined and the most interesting person I’ve met in years. Kind, warm. And you’re sexy as fuck.

Tags: Layla Hagen Very Irresistible Bachelors Romance