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“I’m happy to lend you a few months’ rent.”

Isabelle snapped her head in my direction, glaring. “Thanks, but no. Josie offered too. Ian and Dylan as well, but it’s not how I want to start things off. I’m a grown-ass woman.”

“New York is expensive.”

“I chose to move here, though.”

I pressed my lips together to keep from insisting. I didn’t like seeing Isabelle like this. Her red hair was wrapped in an uncharacteristic bun on top of her head. Her hair even seemed less red than usual. I had to make one last attempt.

“Girl, I know you would do the same for me. So don’t let anything keep you from fulfilling your dreams, okay?”

“I’m not. I’m just a bit superstitious; you know me. Mom always says that the way you start a journey determines its success.”

“I love your mom, but that’s a crap saying. When I moved to New York, I was desperately sad and look at me now.”

Isabelle smiled brightly. “Yeah, let’s talk about that. Much more exciting than all the properties I can’t afford. I’m going to put this one on my shortlist though. It’s a fair price. I’m just gonna ask the touring company to give me more work until I get a decent number of clients.”

I was forever in awe of her ability to adapt and fight for what she wanted. She’d found this job in one week and had already completed a few tours. Isabelle gestured to the door, and we left the rental. The real estate agent who’d shown us this place was waiting in the corridor. He was speaking on the phone, and just shrugged when Isabelle put her hand to her ear, mouthing “I’ll call you.”

This guy had shown us no interest from the second Isabelle had told him that she was hoping to negotiate the rent down. The mama bear inside me wanted to give the guy a piece of my mind. Isabelle must have read that on my expression, because she tugged at my arm, pulling me toward the elevator.

“Want to take an Uber right away, or you want to walk around for a bit?”

“I have time. Let’s do some recon.” I’d never been to this part of the city before, but I could already see myself meeting Isabelle at some of the trendy bars around here after she finished her consultations.

“Sooo... back to you suddenly being the old Laney again...”

“What do you mean?” I narrowed my eyes until I put my sunglasses on. It was hot and sunny today, and I definitely didn’t dress for it.

“You know what I mean. You’re finally... living a little. You just existed for the past two years. It’s not a criticism. You needed that time to mourn, of course. Everyone heals at their own pace, but I wasn’t seeing any changes... until recently. Does that have to do with a certain Winchester brother?”

“It has everything to do with him,” I confirmed. I felt like I was moving on and that hole in my chest wasn’t so huge anymore.

“Yes, I knew it. You got him good.”

I smiled from ear to ear. “He got me, more likely.”

“Well, I did some digging, and he’s pretty smitten.”

“How exactly did you do that?”

“Asked Josie to pay attention if Hunter said something about Cole... and apparently he talks about you quite often and also has shown zero interest in any after-hour drinks on Friday with colleagues, which Hunter says is code for hooking up.”

I laughed. “Isabelle...”

“What? What’s the point of having a sister if I can’t ask her to spy for us?”

“Only you can say that with a straight face.”

“I take spying seriously. Oh, look. Ice cream. Want some?”


We’d come in front of a hip shop that had a sitting area inside, but also a takeout counter. We decided to eat on the go and keep exploring the area. They boasted unique flavors. Since I couldn’t even pronounce some, I stuck to hazelnut and mint.

After paying, we went down a side street full of graffiti art that I thought was quite excellent. One of them depicted a huge owl with both wings wide open. It was a brilliant snow white.

“Do you like sharing your life with someone again?”

Tags: Layla Hagen Very Irresistible Bachelors Romance