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Mom rolled her eyes. “Tell him what you really think.”

“I mean it, Mom.”

“Ha! At least one of my two ladies is on my side. How are you, hon?”

“Just finished my shift.”

“Any plans for tonight?”

“Well, actually... yes. Remember Cole, from Rome?” I hadn’t told my parents about us until now because we’d only had short, hurried calls, but now I wanted to share this with them.

“Hell, yes,” Mom exclaimed. Dad nodded stoically.

“Well, we’ve been going out for a while.”

Mom clapped her hands, smiling brightly. “Oh, I’m so happy for you, Laney. I thought something was different about you when you emailed me all those links.”

I grinned, nodding. I’d been spamming Mom with links to several decor websites with things I liked, such as lamps and paintings, asking for her opinion. When I’d first moved into my apartment, I hadn’t cared about making it feel like home. Honestly, I couldn’t even imagine that any place would feel like home without Ryan in it. It had been a place to sleep in between shifts, nothing more. But now, I wanted it to be cozy and welcoming. I wanted to love it there, and for Cole to feel welcome.

“Tell us about him,” Dad said.

“He’s very smart and caring and makes me laugh a lot. You’d like him.” They’d only seen him in that pic I sent from Rome, but I wanted to introduce him to them, maybe through FaceTime.

“I’m sure we would, hon,” Mom added. “I’m so happy you’re going out with him. Ryan would want you to be happy, you know.”

“I do.” We’d actually talked about this once before our wedding... what we wanted for the other in case one of us died early, and we’d both made each other promise that we’d fall in love again. But that had been infinitely harder than I’d anticipated, and I hadn’t actually thought I’d want any of that... until meeting Cole.

Being with Cole felt so natural like that. I knew in Rome that he was different. I was ready now to make him happy and just enjoy everything we had.

“I just didn’t think I’d want to until now,” I whispered.

“Good for you,” Mom said. I could see the relief in her eyes. “So where is he taking you tonight?”

“I’m taking him somewhere, just have to figure out where. He’s in a bit of a mood, and I want to cheer him up. Any suggestions?”

“Well, we don’t know New York, honey. Why don’t you ask Isabelle? I’m sure she’s explored every street in that city.”

My mom knew Isabelle only too well. We spoke for a few more minutes, in which Dad gave me a rundown of a small greenhouse he was building in the backyard.

After ending the call, I searched for the top ten most romantic places in New York on my phone. I wanted to do something special for Cole. I finally narrowed it down to two options I thought Cole might like. I texted Isabelle for her opinion, because she’d been traipsing through the city in her spare time. I included the link in my message.

Laney: I want to surprise Cole with a romantic outing. Maybe a picnic? I’m thinking the High Bridge and the park, or the Brooklyn Garden. Unless you recommend something else from the list?

Isabelle: I’ve seen everything in that article. Go for the bridge. The Botanical Garden is beautiful in the beginning of April when the cherry trees are in bloom, but now that’s over.

Laney: I can’t believe you’ve seen so much already.

Isabelle: Well, you have a job. I only have a few clients and a ton of free time. I was actually thinking about working as a tour guide until I get more clients. #HUSTLE.

Laney: It’s going to get easier, trust me!

I needed to arrange something to cheer up Isabelle too. She was a hardworking, positive person, but roadblocks chipped at everyone’s optimism. One thing at a time, though. I had to take care of Cole tonight, and tomorrow as well. I tapped my fingers on the phone as I made up my mind. I wanted to get out of the voluntary shift I’d signed up for tomorrow morning, so I headed straight to the chief of staff.

This was an absolute first time for me.

“Okay... I’ll just ask one of your interns to come instead,” Celia said, eyes wide.

“Thanks. I just want some free time, you know?”

Tags: Layla Hagen Very Irresistible Bachelors Romance