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“You know what? I’ll call Laney. She’s a doctor there. She’ll know what to do.”

“Laney? Oh, yeah. Isabelle’s Laney. Yes, please.”

“I’ll call you after I talk to her.” I just hoped she had her phone with her. Laney didn’t answer the first time, but I dialed her number again, and this time, she answered on the first ring.

“Cole—” she started, but I interrupted her right away, needing to explain as fast as possible.

“Skye fainted this morning. Tess is with her. Says that she’s sweaty but has no fever. They’ve already called an ambulance. They’re bringing her to the Liberty, but her doctor is on vacation.”

“The ambulance will have paramedics, and we have other ob-gyns here. Send me your sister’s number, and I’ll stay on the phone with them.”

“Do you think the baby is coming early?” I asked.

“No, I think we can rule that out.”

Fuck, her voice sounded like whatever was happening wasn’t any better.

“Okay. I’m sending you my sister’s number, and I’ll meet them at the hospital.”

“You’re coming too?” she asked in surprise.

“Hell, yes.”

“Head straight to the ER waiting room and tell the staff that you are related to Skye.”

“Okay. Thanks.”

My voice was shaky now, and I wasn’t trying to hide it, like I’d done with Tess.

“It’s going to be okay, Cole. We’re going to take care of Skye and Jonas.”

It tugged at me that she remembered his name. But it also made the danger more real in a way I couldn’t explain.

I got an Uber to the hospital, messaging my assistant to tell her I wasn’t going to be in the office today at all. I couldn’t remember if I had any meetings. In fact, I honestly couldn’t focus on anything. Usually I was good at defusing tensions, but right now, I just needed to know they were going to be okay.

Typically, I got stuck in traffic. I didn’t know why I thought taking a car in Manhattan was a good idea. I should’ve just taken the subway.

“Thanks, man, I’ll just go on foot from here,” I told the driver, practically jumping out of the car. The nearest subway station was ten minutes away. I went through the motions during the whole journey, and after getting out of the subway, I jogged the last few feet to the hospital. I followed the signs that indicated where ambulances had to pull in, just around the corner from the main entrance.

I looked for Tess once I stepped in the waiting room, but she wasn’t there.

“My sister is about to be brought in. Can I fill in any paperwork to speed up the process?”

“I’m afraid not. Paramedics give us all the information upon arrival.”

“I’ve already spoken to one of the doctors. Laney Smith.”

She nodded. “Then there really is nothing else for you to do other than sit down and wait.”

Her voice was calm and kind, but it still grated on my nerves. I needed to do something, to be useful.

Admitting defeat, I sat down, looking around. It was the first time I was taking it all in. It was chock-full of patients waiting. And this didn’t include all those brought in by ambulances, who would be in an even worse state.

How many doctors were on a shift? I knew Laney wasn’t alone, but even so, her job was so damn stressful. I had mad respect for her and her work. No wonder she’d fallen asleep so quickly last night.

I jumped out of my seat when Tess entered the waiting room through a door I hadn’t seen before. She glanced around, and her shoulders slumped a bit when we made eye contact.

“Where is Skye?” I asked when I reached her, pulling her toward an empty corner.

Tags: Layla Hagen Very Irresistible Bachelors Romance