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“And not letting me go. At all. You were basically using me as pillow.”

I hid half of my face on the armrest because I was certain I’d climbed him.

“You’re beautiful,” he whispered.

“Damn. You’re charming from early morning until very late into the evening, huh?”

“Yes. It’s a twenty-four-hour service.” His tone was serious, but his gaze was playful. I laughed, scooting a little closer to him, wiggling my toes.

His lips curled in that smile I loved, and I couldn’t help but scoot a further inch. Cole tipped his head, feathering his mouth against mine, then parting my lips, slipping in his tongue in a slow, lazy morning kiss. The buzz started from my lips, but it spread through me like wildfire until my whole body thrummed. This was so different from our other kisses, but it was all-consuming nonetheless. I didn’t think Cole could kiss any other way. He gripped my hip with one hand, pressing his chest against me. My nipples were hard and so very sensitive. He moved his hand to my ass, then down my thighs. When he trailed his fingers up again, I felt that touch intimately, and all my nerve endings caught fire. On instinct, I rolled my hips forward and felt his hard-on pressing between my thighs. I gasped as my skin turned to goose bumps. My breath hitched.

When my alarm rang again, I nearly jumped out of my skin. I turned to the other side, picking up my phone and snoozing it.

Cole was looking at the phone over my shoulder. “Your shift starts at five thirty, right?”


“Go shower, beautiful girl.” His voice was playful, and so were his eyes. He practically shooed me off the couch. Standing, I looked over my shoulder, suddenly feeling feisty and greedy. I wanted a few more minutes with him. I shuddered at the sexy glint in his eyes, then ran to the bathroom. The truth was, I didn’t have too much time left. I showered quickly and dressed at top speed.

I found Cole in my living room. Now that I was a little more awake, I noticed his shirt and pants were completely crumpled from sleeping in them. He still managed to look sexy as hell, though. My cheeks warmed as I remembered how he’d touched me...

Cole looked at my cheeks intently before focusing on my eyes. “What’s with this blush?”


His chuckle told me he knew exactly what that nothing was. I headed to my tiny kitchen nook, opening a drawer. “Do you want coffee? I just have these instant coffee capsules...” I spoke quickly, biting my lower lip.

“Why are you nervous?”

“I don’t know.” It was the truth. I’d been so at ease when I woke up, but now I was wringing my hands, all jittery. A few seconds later, I felt him behind me. Placing a hand on my hip, he whirled me around. Our gazes locked, and just like that, some of my nerves subsided.

“I have a proposition.” He skimmed his thumb from one corner of my mouth to the other, eyes fixed on me. “Let me spoil you some more soon. The proper way.”

“I’d say your excellent foot massage and the dinner was amazing. The only improper thing was my falling asleep on you.”

“I didn’t mind one bit. Had some perks.”

“Such as?”

“You fondle me in your sleep.”

My jaw dropped. “That can’t be true.”

And yet... I could see myself doing that.

“I’d say I’m sorry, but you don’t seem unhappy about it.”

“Not one bit. I make the best of every situation.”

I inhaled deeply. “I haven’t been on a date in a long while. I’m not sure I even know how to do it anymore.”

Cole smiled, taking both my hands in his, kissing each, then just holding them. “I’m more than up to the task of reminding you, but I don’t want to hurry you. We can take things at your pace.”

He lowered my hands, tilting forward, placing a kiss at the corner of my mouth, inching toward my cheek, then down the right side of my neck. My whole body strummed tight, every muscle contracting. I liked the way he skimmed his lips over my skin—almost reverently. I had no idea how he put me at ease so fast—no matter if he used words or kisses. It was liberating. My chest felt lighter, as if I was learning how to breathe again properly with Cole. Butterflies roamed in my belly. A giddy feeling took hold of me.

“This is your way of taking it slow?” I teased.

Clearing his throat, Cole straightened up. “This wasn’t planned. Just wanted to kiss your cheek.”

Tags: Layla Hagen Very Irresistible Bachelors Romance