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Cole’s eyes bulged. Frowning, he opened his mouth.

“How did you find out?”

Licking my lips, I bounced up my toes, then back on my heels. “Overheard the group talking earlier.”

Cole skimmed one hand up to my neck, holding the side of my face. “What exactly did you hear?”

“No details, just the words ‘Cole’s proposal.’”

Oh my God. My heart stopped as a thought just slammed into me. What if they’d meant something else? A proposal for a property or something. Holy shit, what if I’d just jumped to conclusions? My entire face was on fire, and so was my neck. And now I’d put him on the spot. I dropped my gaze to my hands. My stomach constricted almost painfully.

I bit my lip, plucking the courage to ask, “Oh, did they mean something else?”

“No, silly. You got it right. Just right.” His voice was a little shaky now. “Except, you caught me off guard now. I had this whole plan, and... right now I don’t even have a ring.”

“It doesn’t matter.”

“It’s on hold at Tiffany’s. I didn’t want to buy it already so you wouldn’t find it by accident. I’d planned this so well, dam

n... Now I have no ring. And I’d ask you, but you already said yes.”

“Ask me anyway,” I whispered.

Cole took both my hands in his and kissed them, squeezing them as we locked gazes.

“Will—” His voice caught. He cleared his throat, and my whole body warmed up. “Will you be my wife, Laney? I want... I promise to be there for you every single day. I promise to build our life together, every way there is. I promise to fulfill every dream you have. The cute house and big family. All of them.”

“Yes to all that. That’s a beautiful promise, Cole,” I whispered. Excitement was bubbling up inside me, at being a married woman, wanting a family, imagining my life with Cole. Before I met him, I was only seeing my future in broad strokes, and only on the professional side. But now I was seeing everything in vivid detail, and I was looking forward to every second.

“I’ve been thinking about the best way to do this for weeks. I wanted to be sure it was a happy moment, that it was perfect for you.”

“I feel nothing but pure joy,” I assured him. I placed one palm at either side of his face, locking our gazes. I wanted him to know I meant every word.

“I love you. And it’ll be my honor to be your wife, to love and respect you every day. You’re my world, Cole Winchester.”

He kissed my forehead, holding me against him with both hands.

“What exactly did you hear the group say?”

“Nothing else, honestly.”

“Can’t believe they gave me away.”

“Don’t give them a hard time.” I pulled back a little, looking up at him expectantly.

“Course not.” He took a step back, pointing with his head toward the house. “Come on, let’s carry the decorations that are already in boxes inside.”


Cole lifted one of the heavy ones, and I took a moment to admire all those gorgeous muscles flex. I grabbed a lighter one, walking right in front of him, smiling broadly. The second we entered the living room, all eyes were on us.

“So... which one of you let it slip that I planned to propose?” Cole asked loudly.



One month later

Tags: Layla Hagen Very Irresistible Bachelors Romance