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“I don’t think so.” I was keeping my fingers crossed for one of the families to move in. A too-hot-to-handle neighbor was more than I could deal with right now.

“Aww, girl, he’s really something, isn’t he? You’re blushing.”

I pressed my palms on my cheeks. They were burning.

“I need to get it together.”

“Nah, just go with it. Daydreaming about hot guys is relaxing. For me, at least.”

Tess wiggled her eyebrows before bursting out laughing

. It was so contagious that I started laughing too. This was what I loved most about running the store with Tess. We shared tidbits of our day-to-day lives, giving each other advice.

An image of Robert popped into my mind. Yumm... all those muscles, those perfect cheekbones. I felt my shoulders slump, but my limbs seemed lighter as I practically swooned just thinking of him. I grinned at my sister. “You’re right. This is a much better relaxation technique than visualizing waterfalls or whatever.”

I’d never been able to get the hang of meditation. Ever.

“I know, right?”

Our much-needed break came to an end as the door opened and a customer walked in. Ah, Ramona, one of my favorite clients.

“Ramona, hi. What can I do for you?” I asked.

“Well, that bra you talked me into buying last time is the best thing since sliced bread. It’s comfy and super sexy. I don’t know how you girls do it, but I want three more.”

“Coming right up. How about panties to match?”

“Sure. Why not?”

Ramona had been shy on her last visit to the store, conscious about her curves, but now she was radiant, adding a lace nightgown to her purchases. I lived for this: watching women become confident with their bodies because we created the lingerie to fit their needs.

After she left, I noticed I had an email from the homeowners, asking me how the showing went. Then I saw another email, from Robert. I was usually bad with names, but I knew exactly who Robert was: six feet of hotness that spelled all kinds of trouble.

Ms. Winchester,

I’m interested in the house. Let me know about a convenient time to call to discuss the remaining details.

Robert Dumont

Holy shit. I was getting a too-hot-to-handle neighbor after all.

Chapter Five


I’d barely gathered my wits enough to email him back when he called me. Stepping to a corner of the store, I answered.

“Skye Winchester,” I said.

“Ms. Winchester, this is Robert Dumont.”

Oh. My. God. His voice was panty-melting.

“I figured from the number. What can I do for you?”

“I want to make an offer on the house, but I want to discuss some details. Can you put me in contact with the sellers’ lawyer?”

“Sure thing. But I can also try to answer some questions if you like.”

Tags: Layla Hagen Very Irresistible Bachelors Romance