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“I think I’ll need forty. I’m in the East Village.”

“Okay. Unless you want to do something over there instead?”

“And miss out on the opportunity of seeing you naked?”

Skye laughed. “You don’t know how these thermal bath things work, do you

? We wear bathing suits.”

“I’m sure we can sneak some naked time somewhere.”

“Oh my God! Promise you won’t.”

“Won’t what?”

“Tempt me.”

I smiled for the first time since my encounter with the jackass. “Can’t lie to you, Skye. See you in forty minutes.”

I arrived earlier than anticipated. Skye was already on the white steps, waving at me. Just seeing her did things to me I couldn’t explain.

“Hey, broody guy. Let’s go inside.”

Instead of answering, I pulled her to me. We were in full view of Tribeca, so I limited myself to a simple press of my lips against hers. For now.

Inside at the reception desk, I was given onetime-use shorts. Skye had brought a bikini from the store. We both received flip-flops and towels.

“I know my way to the changing rooms,” Skye told the receptionist. Taking my hand, she led me down a few corridors, right to a series of changing rooms. We’d been given the same one.

Stepping inside, Skye hung her bag on one of the hooks, her dress on the other. Watching her take off her clothes was a special kind of torture. She seemed oblivious to my pain as she kicked off her underwear, putting on a simple black bikini. Her ass and breasts looked too fucking delicious. Groaning, I gripped her ass, sliding my fingers inside her bikini.

“No funny business.” She swatted my hand away playfully.

I drew her to me the next second, kissing her wet and deep, digging my fingers in her ass, rubbing against her. It was so easy to get wrapped up in her taste, her scent. I only came to my senses when I pushed her against the metal wall and buried my mouth in her neck.

“You haven’t changed,” she murmured.

Pulling back, I wiggled my eyebrows. “Want to help me?”

Laughing, she shook her head. “I’ll wait for you outside, or we’re never going to make it in the water. Come on, hurry up.”

I didn’t want to let her out, but changing with her in here was too risky. I was already hard and having trouble behaving myself. I could already imagine bending her over, one leg up on the bench, sinking inside her. After she left, I took off my clothes, putting on the shorts. They were a little more fitted than what I’d wear, so I waited two whole minutes for my hard-on to subside before joining her.

She took my hand, leading me out of the changing rooms and down a corridor that opened to a huge hall that did the name ancient baths justice: high ceilings sustained by columns and brick walls. There were multiple pools of various sizes. All light fixtures resembled candles or torches.

“That’s my favorite one,” Skye said, pointing to one of the larger pools. “It has saltwater, and it’s warm.”

I was pleased that the place wasn’t too full. We had one corner of the pool all to ourselves. Skye floated for a bit. I swam a few lengths, but I tired quickly from the warm water and the steam, so I stretched my arms on either side of a corner. Skye joined me, looking at me intently.

“Want to talk about what drove you to hang out in a park?”

“Anne’s ex showed up at the restaurant, asking me to vouch for him with the bank.”

“Does he have a black eye?”

“No, but he got a punch to the stomach. He tried to blackmail me. The idiot.”


Tags: Layla Hagen Very Irresistible Bachelors Romance