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“Good to know,” Rob said. “Ready to go?”

“Oh, yeah.” I nodded, looking around. “Just let me get my purse.”

In a few minutes, Tess and I turned off all the lights and locked up the place. Rob waited for me patiently by the door. Hmm... I was trying to guess what he had in mind for the evening, but he had a great poker face. Except for that smoldering gaze. Holy hell, I’d only been in his presence for a few minutes, but I was already simmering. I hoped Tess didn’t notice I was perspiring.

“Tess, do you want to share a cab?” Rob asked once the three of us were outside the store. “We can drop you off at home.”

My sister shook her head. “No, no, no. I have a firm rule about never being a third wheel. And you’ve been throwing sis here hot looks since she opened the door, so....”

I groaned. “Tess....”

“What? I just call it like I see it.”

Rob’s eyes had a knowing glint of sorts. There was no mistaking his intentions.

So much for Tess not noticing. I blushed even more violently.

“Do sleep a little though,” she teased. My sister kissed my cheek, then Rob’s before sashaying down in the direction of the main street.

“Very observant,” Rob muttered.

I cocked a brow, placing my hand on my hip. “Orrr... you’re very obvious.”

“That too.” A small smile played on his lips, which then morphed into a grin. He pulled me flush against him unexpectedly, and I pointed at his face.

“You have a plan,” I said.

“How can you tell?”

“I don’t know. You just give off that vibe.”

“So you’re both observant.” Taking my hand, he kissed the back of it, rubbing his thumb in small circles on it. “I have a proposition.”

“Uhhh... so I was wrong. Not a plan.”


“Let’s hear it.”

“Two options: Either I take you home and pamper you for a bit, then head back to the city. I have

an early morning tomorrow again. Or... we drop by your house, you pack a suitcase for the next week, and come back to the hotel with me.”

I blinked, sucking in a breath. “Oh, wow.”

“I told you I want more of you, Skye.” He cupped my face with both hands, looking at me intently. “I understand that it might make things complicated for you, or you might just prefer to sleep at home, but I’d really like it for you to consider it. Next week will be even more intensive, and I will literally not have time to see you at all otherwise. After Restaurant Days wrap up, everything will be back to normal.”

I frowned, feigning that I had to think very hard about it, then held up a finger. “I’ve considered it. And the answer is a resounding yes.”

I only briefly managed to see the relief in his eyes before he pulled me flush against him and kissed me hot and heavy, right there for all Soho to see. He kept one hand firmly at the small of my back. Yeah, I lost the battle and gave in to swooning. I was going to spend every night this week with him!

His gaze was determined and, well... sizzling when he pulled back.

“God, I was hoping you’d say that.”

“What would you have done if I said no?” I asked.

“Used some tricks to change your mind.”

Tags: Layla Hagen Very Irresistible Bachelors Romance