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“I knew it. You’re a tyrant just pretending to play nice now and again.”

“I fight for what I want, Skye. And I want you with me. All the time.”

Oh, this man. I wasn’t even done swooning, and here he was doing it again.

“Let’s go, then, because I take a long-ass time to pack. I can’t wait to wear panties again.”

He jerked his head back. “You’re still commando?”

“Yes, sir.”

“You own a lingerie store. And what did I tell you when I put you in that cab?”

“Yeah, like I was going to let you boss me into anything. Besides, I never wear panties without washing them first.”

“Holy shit, woman. You’re going to drive me crazy.”

“No, no. I plan to do that only after we reach the hotel. Hey, we’re going to get a bit of sleep now and then, right?”

His expression morphed into a full-on grin. “I can’t make any promises.”

Chapter Twenty


Few things were able to anger me past the point of reason. At the very top of that list was my shitty ex-brother-in-law. I’d meant to keep my promise to Anne, I really had. Until he had the audacity to show up at headquarters the day after Restaurant Days were over. He asked for me to help him with a new business, to put in a good word for him with the banks so he could get the loans he needed.

He'd chosen the worst possible moment to approach me. Anne and Lindsay had just returned from France, and Lindsay had mentioned that he’d forgotten to call again.

“Let me get this straight. You hauled ass without notice, divorced my sister, and now you want my help?”


“You’re out of your mind.”

Why did I let him in the building in the first damn place? Why didn’t I just kick him out on the street from the start? He’d hurt Anne, and I wanted to hurt him. He just went on with his life, the arrogant prick, while my sister was a ghost of herself. Fucker.

Lindsay! I couldn’t forget about Lindsay. She’d have the most to lose if I connected my fist to his jaw.

“Get out,” I said.


“Get out. Before I forcibly remove you.” I yelled louder to make sure he heard me this time.

“I was the CEO of this company. You can’t just ignore that.”

“Yes I can. And I will.”

“There’s plenty I can say or do to hurt the image of this company.”

I smirked. “Go ahead. Think any bank will approve you for a loan after that? I have them all in my pocket.”

“Are you threatening me?”


“You bastard. I’m not the first person to divorce his wife. Anne got boring as fuck, so I looked elsewhere for fun.”

Tags: Layla Hagen Very Irresistible Bachelors Romance