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When we were kids, she once didn’t even tell us she was in the hospital for gallbladder surgery just so we wouldn’t worry. She’d asked a neighbor to watch us and told us she was at a conference. We gave her an earful once we caught on, but it didn’t accomplish much. Mom had her own way of handling things, but as far as I was concerned, she’d been the best role model I could have asked for.

“Josie said her brothers and sister are in town the weekend after my laser appointment, and I invited everyone for lunch on Saturday.”

“You think you’ll be up for it?” I asked. “Maybe you’ll need time to recover.”

Mom waved her hand. “I’ll be just fine, but I will need some help with preparations, because Mick will already be gone for setup of one of his concerts.”

“Sure. We’ll help. I can’t wait to see everyone,” I said. I loved to catch up with our family, and Josie’s siblings were always a lot of fun. They were scattered around the country, moving around for work, and we typically only ever got together for holidays or weddings. Her brothers, Ian and Dylan, gave Ryker and Cole a run for their money on practically everything. And Isabelle, Josie’s sister, was a girl after my own heart. Josie kept saying she wished they’d all move to New York, and I couldn’t agree more.

After Mom and Heather left, Tess and I immediately decided to organize a girls’ evening out while Isabelle was in town.

“Come to think of it, we haven’t had one in a while,” Tess said. “Hey, I have an idea,” she continued. “Why don’t you and I do that tonight? And you can spill the beans about the walk of non-shame and your sexy CEO.”

I wiggled my eyebrows. “Why not? I just have to warn you that my sexy CEO looked as if he had nefarious plans in mind for us tonight.”

Tess opened her mouth, then closed it again. “Was about to ask what you meant by nefarious plans, but I think that would be too much information.”

I nodded excitedly. “Far too much.”

The no-secrets policy did not include sexy details, and I liked it that way... because there was such a thing as oversharing.

We messaged Heather and Josie, but neither of them had time to stop by the store tonight, so Tess and I decided to just have fun by ourselves. At nine o’clock, we turned the sign on the door to Closed and made ourselves comfortable on the couch in front, with pizza cartons set between the two of us.

“Okay, I eat, you talk,” Tess instructed. I laughed, but that seemed like a fair deal. I told her about my impromptu visit to his restaurant yesterday and our night together. My mouth was dry by the time I finished talking. I took a swig of soda, then devoured my pizza. Tess was watching me with a smile.

“You’re totally into him,” she concluded.

“I am.”

“It’s the first time I’ve really seen you this way.”

“I’ve never felt like this before,” I admitted. I loved talking about these things with my sister.

Tess clapped her hands, shimmying on the couch. “Yes! You go, girl.”

“Can I ask you something? How do you do it... always get so excited? You never hold anything back.”

Tess munched on her last bit of pizza, finishing it before replying. “I am afraid of things too, you know. I just don’t show it.” She swallowed and continued, “I want to find someone, but I’m also afraid that it could all go wrong. I still remember that horrid feeling of Dad leaving, of not being wanted.”

Her words were like a punch to my stomach. I nearly doubled over from the force of it. I remembered that feeling in vivid detail. Most times, I just did my best to forget it.

“We all do, I suppose,” I muttered. Did my past affect my dating life? Was I fearful of someone leaving me? Well, it wasn’t like it hadn’t already happened, and yes, it bothered me—but this time, with Rob, it was different. I just knew it was.

Tess shook her head, straightening up. “I didn’t want to ruin our mood. Especially since—” She tilted her head to the right, peering over my shoulder. “—I think your sexy chef is outside the store.”

I turned so fast that I heard my neck snap. Holy shit, he really was there. I mean, he’d told me that he might crash my evening plans, but he hadn’t texted or anything, so I’d sort of assumed he got caught up at one of the restaurants.

I went to the door, and Tess followed me.

When I opened it, Rob glanced between the two of us.

“You didn’t tell me you were coming,” I said.

“Figured I’d find you here.” His confident nonchalance gave me chills, good ones.

Tess placed both hands on my shoulders from behind. “Hey, keep doing what you’re doing. Sis here is smiling more than usual, so I’m a big fan of yours.”

I blushed, feeling my face getting hotter, and even the tips of my ears.

Tags: Layla Hagen Very Irresistible Bachelors Romance