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“Yesss! You’ve postponed your pedicure long enough. Just go.”

Our late-night shopping hours were a success, but they were also crowded. But my workaholic sister would probably sleep here if I didn’t make her go home or do what she needed to do.

After she left, half a dozen clients strode in. I could barely tell my ass from my elbow. At nine o’clock, I turned the sign to Closed. There were still a few customers inside, and I wouldn’t usher them out, of course, but I didn’t want any new ones coming in.

I was at the counter, folding merchandise into gift boxes for my last clients, when my phone vibrated.

Rob: You’re amazing.

I looked through the window display, smiling when I realized he was watching me.

Skye: How was the ice cream?

Rob: Delicious. But it tasted better on you.

One message. That was all it took for me to be hot and bothered again.

I didn’t get a chance to write him back, because my customers were waiting for their receipts. After they left, I stood by the door, holding my fingers out for Rob to see, mouthing, “Ten minutes.”

My phone vibrated on the counter the next second. I practically ran to it.

Rob: Five.

Skye: ????

Rob: I was patient enough while you had customers. I’ll come after you. You and I, we’re good in back rooms.

That we were, but still, I had to label some boxes for shipping, and I did not want this sexy man distracting me.

Skye: Ten minutes.

Grinning, I put my phone down. My message had two purposes. One: establish that I really needed more time to complete the task. Two: rile him up. I was sure this would make him stride in earlier.

I heard the phone vibrate again but didn’t want to give in to the temptation of reading it. I would never finish my task if I didn’t focus. I lost the battle with myself twenty seconds later, picking up the phone.

My mood plummeted immediately. The message wasn’t from Rob but Dean, my shitty ex.

Dean: Can you lend me some money?

Skye: No.

Dean: Come on, I spent a crap-ton taking you out to dinner, and you’re loaded.

I blinked.

Skye: So let me get this straight... you gave me shit about my mood cramping your style when I had issues but think it’s okay to ask me for money?

Dean: Is that a yes or no?

Skye: Read above. NO. FUCK NO.

I tossed the phone in my bag, but not before blocking his number. I had no clue why I hadn’t done that before. I still had a few labels to stick on the boxes and was hoping my anger would melt away by the time I was done. Instead, it just intensified.


bsp; When Rob stepped inside the store, I was so worked up that I couldn’t even muster a smile. I’d finished the boxes and was sitting on the counter, clasping my bag.

“Is something wrong?” he immediately asked.

Tags: Layla Hagen Very Irresistible Bachelors Romance