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Henry, the most daring designer I’d seen in New York, was now selling shoes for the first time. Magda, the art deco painter, had added some esoteric-looking items to her stock, like moon globes and bracelets with various healing properties. It was a bit out there but also worked somehow. As far as I was concerned, Soho was magic. It was my favorite part of the city. Sure, I might be biased... but just a little.

“Good evening.”

I startled, turning around to face Rob.

“Hi! You’re early,” I said.

“I know.”

I’d just finished my ice cream. Clasping a hand around the strap of my bag, I tossed the napkin I’d held the cone with into a nearby trash can. My fingers were a little shaky.

Instantly, I realized why I was so exuberant and full of energy. The reason had a first and a last name: Rob Dumont.

“How is your foot?” he asked.

“Good as new.”

I swallowed, wondering if he was only thinking about my well-being or if he also remembered that crackling electricity between us. When he captured my gaze, I had my answer. He looked at me as if he knew I was wearing code red lingerie. My skin sizzled.

On an intensity level from one to ten, the fire in this man’s eyes was somewhere around twenty. One thing was universally true: no matter if we were in my house, the backyard, his house, or the middle of the street, he could make my knees weak just by smiling at me.

“Glad to hear it. Want to lead the way?”


We walked side by side, and I couldn’t believe how powerfully I felt his presence. Not the heat of his body—his presence. He dominated the space completely without even trying.

“Tell me about your niece. What does she like?”

“Honestly, I don’t know.”

“What does she usually play with?”


I laughed. “You’re no help.”

“I just want to buy her something to cheer her up. She’s been a bit down lately, what with her dad forgetting to call.”

“That sucks.”

“Yeah. Had a little chat over the phone with him. Told him that he’d better remember, or I’d pay him a visit in person and wouldn’t play nice anymore.”

Oh, this man. How could I not like him? I had a weakness for people with empathy, people who weren’t afraid to fight for the people they loved. That was how the Winchesters operated too—we all were there 110 percent for one another.

“I don’t think I’ve been on this street before. I usually keep to the main one.” He was looking around with curiosity.

“You can find real gems around here, trust me. I’ve been exploring every nook and cranny since opening our store.”

“I admire you for your tenaciousness in going after what you want.”

“Wow, thanks.”

“It can’t be easy.”

I shrugged. “It’s not. Has pros and cons, like everything else. I quite like working at my own pace and not having a boss, but it is nerve-racking to shoulder so much responsibility. Before, if I didn’t like my job, I could just quit and search for something else... but you can’t quit your own business. I mean, you know how it feels.”

“I inherited a solid, successful business, so it’s not the same.”

Tags: Layla Hagen Very Irresistible Bachelors Romance