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Breathe in, breathe out, Skye.

I made a concerted effort not to check him out, but I was failing. I just couldn’t help drinking him in. I had only admired him from a distance. Up close, the effect was magnified. My pulse pounded in my ears. My mouth was dry.

“Good evening, Skye.”

That voice....


“You didn’t answer. Want to come on a run with me?”

I’d completely forgotten to reply. I shook my head, whistling. “Pilates girl here. Plus, I exercise in the morning. Specialists recommend that.”

“I find it relaxing in the evening.”

“I actually just read a study on the best time to exercise.” Taking out my phone, I clicked the library icon, pulling up said study. Rob was looking more incredulous with every passing second.

“A study?”

“I like reading or doing studies so much that I almost went for a PhD,” I explained. I turned the phone around, showing him the lines I’d highlighted.

Rob chuckled.

“What?” I asked.

“Nothing. I just like finding out more about you. Like the fact that you’re a brainiac. But I can’t factor in running in the morning. I usually get a call about some fire I need to put out just when I get out of bed. It relaxes me to do it in the evening. Releasing endorphins and all that.”

“Not the way to win over this girl.”

“What is the way, Skye?” He tilted closer to me. His eyes were smoldering. And just like that, I was on fire again. I swallowed, glancing away.

Ah, I could think of one or two ways. His hands could do wonders for my back, I was sure. Those full lips too. A current of heat ran through me. I could practically feel his mouth on my bare skin. How was this even possible?

Shrugging, I cleared my throat. “I’m just gonna drink a glass of wine and watch Netflix.”

“Is that an invitation?”

I laughed. “You are unbelievable.”

“Never claimed otherwise.”

“I’ve pegged you for the type who doesn’t drink this late. For sure not after a run, to take care of those muscles.”

“You noticed them?”

“Hard not to,” I admitted. Crap, I’d actually said it out loud? “Don’t let me keep you from your routine.”

“I’m tempted to ditch it tonight.” There was a playful glint in his eyes, but something told me he wasn’t joking.

“For wine and Netflix? That’s a slippery slope, neighbor. Before you know it, ditching your evening run becomes habit.”

“Not for wine and Netflix. For the company.” That glint in his eyes was becoming more and more pronounced. I squirmed, feeling my entire body sizzle, yearning for a kiss or a touch.

“I want you, Skye.”

His words had been playing in my mind on a loop for days—not just the words but every detail surrounding them, including the intensity in his eyes and body language.

He’d kicked the ball into my court, but I still had no idea what to do with it. A one-night stand with my neighbor wasn’t the smartest thing, and yet....

Tags: Layla Hagen Very Irresistible Bachelors Romance