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I liked to always move forward at breakneck speed, but these quiet moments with Skye were the best part of every day. Right now they were only semi-quiet, because her phone kept buzzing in her pocket.

“Why is your phone exploding with messages?” I asked.

“The dynamic in the WhatsApp group escalated a little after I told them we’re having a boy. Ryker and Cole are competing over who will be the good uncle and who will be the reckless one. Right now, I’m deeming both reckless. On top of that, everyone’s teasing Cole about being next in line to break out of the bachelor pack.”

“That doesn’t seem likely.”

“I’m with you, but, eh... I was wrong about Ryker too, so I’m going to withhold my opinion for now. He’s up to no good most of the time, but....”

Another kick from deep within followed. I held my breath. So did Skye.

“I think the baby likes the prospect of being up to no good,” she whispered.

“I’m all for that.”

“I think my brothers will have that covered. You can just be the perfect role model. No pressure.” She kissed my cheek.

“I can do that.” I was ready. I’d had excellent role models, and I was looking forward to walking in their footsteps. I was determined to give the baby and Skye the very best of me every day.

She half turned to me, smiling and looking even more irresistible to me than before. Tilting her head to one side, I kissed down her neck. I undid the zipper of her jacket a little, slipping my hand inside—enough to make my intentions clear but not to give the neighbors a show.

“What are you doing?”

“I don’t have to be a role model yet, do I?”

She laughed as I took her hand. Drawing her to her feet, I led her back to the house. “I agree with that 100 percent.”


The end

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Tags: Layla Hagen Very Irresistible Bachelors Romance