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“Hey, you’re supposed to have my back,” I said loudly.

“I do, sister. I do.”

My pulse went into overdrive even before Rob stepped inside the room. Breathe in, breathe out... breathe in... breathe out.

It was no use. As soon as Rob ap

peared before me, captivating me as usual with one single glance, I hyperventilated. My entire body was craving his nearness. I wanted to jump right into his arms and run a hand through his thick hair, plant a smooch right on his lips.

He strode toward me, his face stern. I tugged at my T-shirt, as if that could make it less outdated.

“Skye, I’m here. Let’s talk. Face-to-face, like you said.”

Right, I’d said that. So why was I now completely tongue-twisted?

“I don’t know where to begin.”

Rob searched my face, silent for a few beats. “Let’s talk about moving in. Why did you say you don’t want us to rush?”

“I don’t want you to feel pressured into anything.” I’d said that, right? Searching his expression, I didn’t detect surprise, so I must have.

“I’m not.”

“But we’ve never talked about taking that step,” I insisted.

Rob came closer, raising one hand to cup my cheek.

“And now we are. If there’s another reason, if you don’t want this—”

I shook my head frantically. He cupped my other cheek too. “I just don’t want you to do anything you might regret later... change your mind about....”

“Wanting you?”



In a fraction of a second, he lowered one hand down my back, pressing me against him. Damn, this man had skills.

“I love you, and I love our kid, and there is nothing that could ever make me not love you, not want you. Nothing.”

It was a good thing he was holding me so tightly, because my legs were a little wobbly. So was my smile.


“I mean it, every word of it. I want it all with you. Sharing a house, our lives, waking up next to you every morning. Bickering about the best time of the day to work out. Telling you that I’ve read some stuff online that supports my viewpoint... you shoving every study there is under my nose to prove your point. Hear our kids laugh at our conversations.”


“Yeah, I was thinking more than one.”

“Our first one’s not even here.”

“Yeah, but I always thought it must be lonely... being an only child.”

I wiggled my eyebrows, suddenly feeling a little brave. “Don’t tell me that. I come from a family of four. Five if you include Hunter too, which I do.”

Rob paled a little. I laughed, throwing my head back. Clearly he hadn’t meant five when he’d said more than one.

Tags: Layla Hagen Very Irresistible Bachelors Romance