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“Are you sick?” I hadn’t considered that.

“Oh, no. Don’t worry. How’s LA?” she asked.

“Shit. I can’t wait to be back.” I decided on the spot to keep to my original plan and surprise her.

“Oh, New York charmed you, huh?”

“Not just New York.”

“Hmm... what else could it be? Your gorgeous house?” She paused, then said, “I know. It’s the food.”

I laughed. Damn, I missed her. “How’s your day?” I asked.

“Long. I started a little late because the wait at the doctor was ridiculous—"

“Wait, why did you go to the doctor? You just said you’re not sick.”

She said nothing.

“Skye?” I prodded. My hands felt icy. Was she keeping something from me? “Why did you go to the doctor?”

“Just blood work.”

Thank fuck. “Routine?” I double-checked.

“Not exactly. I... I’m pregnant. Oh, shit. I didn’t mean to tell you over the phone. It just slipped. I wanted to tell you face-to-face.”

I stopped walking toward the baggage area, clutching the phone. “Pregnant. You’re pregnant?”


“Why did you let me go on about New York? When did you find out?”

“Three days ago, but I didn’t want to tell you over the phone. I’d planned to wait until you were back.”

“Tell me everything.”

“Well, I was feeling queasy and my taste changed. Someone made a passing comment about changing tastes while pregnant—”

I chuckled. Only Skye could discover she was pregnant because her taste in food changed.

“Anyway, I did two pregnancy tests, and today I went to the doctor. They actually didn’t need the blood work, just a urine test.”

“So it’s confirmed?”


“Boy or girl?”

She chuckled. “It’s way too early to know that, Rob.”

“Oh, yeah.” My mind was spinning continuously. “Okay, so we can start shopping for the room. Wait, where will the room be? Hell, we’ll figure it out. We’ll just move in wherever is better.” My mind was moving too fast for my words to catch up. I was already making lists of all the things that would have to be discarded or adapted.

Holy shit, I was going to be a father.

A father.

Right up until this moment, I’d never realized how much I wanted to be one. We were going to have a kid. A person who would be part Skye, part me—a unique mashup. Would he or she be a brainiac like Skye or a kitchen addict like me?

Tags: Layla Hagen Very Irresistible Bachelors Romance