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“Rob, we have a lot of time until the baby is here, so there is no need to hurry. Also, I don’t want you to feel like we have to rush into anything.”

I frowned. “Rush? What do you mean?”

“Well, these months have been amazing and fun, but we’ve never talked about our future.”

“I know we haven’t spoken about it....” I’d definitely thought about it, envisioned it.

“So I don’t want us to think that we have to change everything.”

“Skye, everything’s changing.”

“Of course, I mean, we’ll have a baby, so we’ll be parents. I just don’t want you to think that I’m expecting for our relationship to change too.”

I couldn’t figure out if she really meant to not put pressure on me or if she didn’t envision us together in the future. Was this why she’d wanted to wait to talk to me face-to-face?

“You’re right. We should talk about this in person.”

“Oh, okay.” She sounded surprised.

“I’ve just landed.”

“In New York?”

“No, on the moon,” I said in an exasperated tone. “Of course in New York. Sorry, I’m all over the place. Okay, so ummm... see you at the house tonight?”


After talking to Skye, I decided I couldn’t wait even that long. I called my sister on the way to Soho.

“Wow, I wasn’t expecting you to come back so quickly. If anything, I was expecting you to say you need to prolong it.”

“Things are looking better in LA.”

“Where exactly are you now?”

“Soho. I need to talk to Skye.”

“Awww, baby bro. Missing your girl, huh?”

“Yes. A lot.” After a beat, I added, “She’s pregnant.”

Anne squealed so loudly that my eardrum went numb. I held the phone away from my ear until the sound lessened in intensity.

“OhGodohGodohGod. How far along is she? Will you move in with her? When? Can I help? Do you need advice?”

“Anne, breathe.”

“Hey, I’m breathing and talking. Always been a great multitasker.”

“I just found out.”

“Okay. Wow. Is Skye feeling okay? I’ll call and ask her myself, actually. What’s the plan?”

“Talking to her first.”

“Okay. You didn’t mention any baby plans, so I’m guessing it’s a surprise.”

“Yes... she said that we don’t have to rush to change anything in our relationship.”

Tags: Layla Hagen Very Irresistible Bachelors Romance