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“You just don’t have a pause button, do you?”

Hailey grinned. “You already know the answer to that. You’re just like me. The good news is, I can get the girls on the phone. We can do an intervention via a conference call.”

“Please, don’t.”

“Fine then, I’ll channel my inner Val and Lori. But I need more reinforcement for that than room service. I saw a promising food truck nearby. I’ll grab us something and meet you in your room.”

“What would I do without you?”

“Probably brood.” She patted my cheek, the way she did when I was a kid before pointing me to the elevator. “Shower. Now. You’re a bit stinky.”

I was in a much better mood as I went to my room. I would’ve loved to be in LA for the next Friday dinner. Being with my family always helped me see things more clearly. I couldn’t explain why, but being surrounded by my siblings always helped me be able to strip the unessential things away and focus on what was important.

Val especially had a way of putting things in perspective, but so did Hailey. Channeling Val... she was definitely good at that. She used to do that all the time when we were kids, thinking she could get to boss me around if she acted more like Val. It didn’t work, but it was a lot of fun to watch.

Hailey took her sweet time, knocking at my door half an hour later. She had large paper bags in both hands. I relieved her of them at once, carrying them to the small table.

“I thought you were buying some snacks from the food truck.”

“Yeah... I changed my mind and also went to the grocery store. Bought dessert and some wine.”

“I don’t drink before games.”

“It’s for me, not for you. Thought I might need some reinforcement.”

“Creative reinforcement for channeling Val?”

“Yep. And for being a voice of reason and dishing sage advice.”

“Maybe you won’t have to do either.”

She parked her hands on her hips. “Sorry to burst your bubble, but you look like you need both. Usually Chardonnay is of great help for inspiration. Didn’t find any, but I’ll make do with what I have.”

“Let’s eat before it gets cold.”

My sister kicked off her shoes, sitting in one of the chairs with her legs tucked under her.

I sat opposite her, digging into my burrito. I’d pushed myself a little too much during today’s second run, and I was starving.

I felt Hailey stare at me.

“You’re giving me the laser eye glare again.”

“Just trying to guess what the damage is. Will told me you have some problems with the sponsors.”

“When did you even find out? That only happened a few days ago.”

“You underestimate me. But you don’t fret over those usually, so there must be something more.”

I shook my head, smiling.

Hailey pointed a finger at me. “That right there is a sad smile. You don’t do sad smiles, Jace. What’s wrong?”

“Brooke and I aren’t in a good place.” All the worries I’d managed to subdue during my run crashed into me at once as I spoke.

“Why not? What happened? Tell me you’re not getting cold feet because things are getting too serious.” The look in her eyes was murderous.

“I’m not.”

Tags: Layla Hagen The Connor Family Romance