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“Babe, everything okay?”


“If something’s wrong, I want to know. I can’t fix what I don’t know.”

“Jace, it’s just been a crazy night, that’s all. Okay, this is melting already. Want me to bring a new batch?”

“Nah, this’ll do the trick.”

“I think so too. I’ll just throw it away,” I muttered, on the way to the bathroom. Jace followed me. I stood over the sink after throwing out the bag, smearing hydrating lotion on my hands. Jace kissed the side of my neck, watching me in the mirror.

“Talk to me, Brooke. There’s something on your mind.”

“Of course, there is. Tonight, didn’t go as planned. I’m just processing everything. Like you.”

“But something is bothering you. Your muscles lock up when you’re stressed.”

He feathered his hand on my belly, which was clenched tight.

“I’m just worried about what might happen tomorrow. On the field, at the office.”

“Whatever happens, we’ll get through it, Brooke. I’m right next to you. Even if I’m away, don’t forget that I’m on your team.”

I smiled tightly but was unable to meet his eyes. I didn’t know how to explain to him that even the thought of him getting mad at me or blaming me for any mishaps on the field caused me heartburn.

He lowered his hand and took a step back. I slipped past him, heading into the bedroom.

To my relief, Jace didn’t push more, though I felt him watching me intently all the way to the bed. I was sure he could tell I was more stressed than I was admitting.

Instead of joining me, he went to his dresser.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

“Still have to pack a few things.”

The knot in my stomach tightened as I watched him move throughout the room, picking up clothes and socks, stuffing them in his bag. Tension hung between us, and I didn’t know how to act or what to say.

When he finally turned off the light and slipped into bed, he wrapped his arm around my waist from behind. I turned around, lacing an arm over his neck and straddling him with one thigh. I wanted to be completely wrapped in him.

“Is your lip okay?” I whispered.

“More than okay.”

The room was completely dark, but I felt him inch closer, moving his head from his pillow onto mine. My toes tingled when I felt his hot breath above my upper lip before he sealed his mouth over mine. Jace kissed me, tangling our tongues in a lazy rhythm. One of his hands gripped the thigh that was on top of him, moving it further up. The tip of his cock nudged my clit. I gasped at the unexpected pleasure that shot through me.

He reached toward the nightstand for a condom. After putting it on, he entered me slowly, his thrusts mimicking the rhythm of his tongue.

I felt every inch of him sliding in and out, his hand alternating between nudging my clit and gripping my ass to hold me at the angle he wanted, reaching a place so deep inside me that I cried out against his mouth.

“You’re mine, Brooke. No matter what. You’re mine, and I love you. Do you hear me?”

“Yes. Yes.”

With every thrust, he owned me more, taking everything he wanted, claiming everything I had to give.

Chapter Twenty-Eight


Tags: Layla Hagen The Connor Family Romance