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“Levi,” Jace said calmly, “apologize right now.”

“And table this discussion until you return from the games.” My voice was firm.

“Yeah? Why? So I can return and find out that a spineless new hire has turned over the best sponsoring opportunities to the player she’s fucking?”

I blinked, trying to gather my bearings. Jace reacted faster. His hands were on Levi’s collar.

“Don’t talk about her like that. You have a problem with me, fine. But you apologize to Brooke. Right now.”

“I don’t think I’m going to do that. This club thinks the sun rises and sets out of your ass, and I’ve had enough of being treated like a second-class citizen.”

“If you feel like a second-class citizen, it’s because your game is becoming worse by the week,” Jace said.

Maybe because Jace was known for being the voice of calm and reason on the team, Levi kept pushing at his buttons. “She must be a damn good fuck for you to lose your cool. Maybe I’ll give her a try too.”

The fight began the next second. I wasn’t sure who threw the first punch, but I suspected it was Jace. He doubled over when Levi hit him in the stomach, but straightened up fast, pouncing on Levi again. They smashed into the buffet table, sending several plates crashing to the ground.

I became aware that I was shouting Jace’s name. The entire team gathered around us. Two of them grabbed Jace, two Levi, pulling them apart.

Jace was livid. The veins on his neck were bulging and his face was red. To my dismay, I noticed his lip was split. Levi’s eye had taken the brunt of Jace’s fist.

“What the fuck?” Andrew called out. “Are you two crazy?”

He was looking at Jace as he spoke, which I found unfair, because Levi had instigated this.

“Both of you, go home,” Andrew continued. “Whatever this is better be over by tomorrow. I want everyone’s head in the game.”

Jace took a deep breath. I tugged at his arm, then interlaced my hand w

ith his tense fingers.

He looked down at our hands, squeezing mine twice before asking me in a low voice, “Are you ready to go?”

“Yes. Yes, I am.” I was relieved. For a brief moment, I’d thought he’d insist we stay. Levi was holding his tongue. He knew better than to spew the same shit as before with their captain watching.

To my dismay, I realized everyone had gathered around us. I zeroed in on Carl Hill, who was watching the scene glumly. Shit! There were a lot of sponsors attending tonight, and just like it was easier to make a good impression in person, the bad impressions were also more lasting. At least there hadn’t been any reporters left.

As we made our way out of the room, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Veronica and Levi talking.

Jace and I were silent as we walked to the car, but once we were both in our seats, I turned to him.

“Are you hurting?”

“I’ve had worse on the field. Nothing to worry about. I can’t believe Levi would have the guts to talk to you like that.”

“He’s not a fan of me. But I hoped he’d have the decency to sit down with me and tell me his complaints in a civilized manner. I’m sorry this escalated so badly.”

“Brooke, you have nothing to apologize for. I love you. Anyone who disrespects you will have a big problem with me. I won’t let anyone get away with talking to you like that. Ever.”

I smiled, leaning in to give him a quick kiss on his cheek.

“I love you too.”

Jace held out his palm. It took me a second to understand what he wanted, and then I put my hand in his. He brought the back of my hand to his mouth, kissing it.

“Focus on the road, Jace.”

“I can multitask.”

Tags: Layla Hagen The Connor Family Romance