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I sucked in a breath when Jace took one of my hands, turned it palm up, then feathered his fingers on my wrist, trailing them up my forearm, then back down. “I just need to know if you want the same thing, Brooke.”

He stopped the movement of his hand, looking straight at me. I gave him a small nod, even though I wasn’t sure exactly what he wanted, or what I was agreeing to. Friends with benefits? Something else?

“That was easy. See? No reason to be nervous.”

“It’s good we spoke tonight. Now I won’t be fretting until the morning.”

When Jace rewarded me with a warm and happy smile, I decided to stop with mental questioning. Jace brought my hand to his mouth, kissing it. That soft touch set me on edge. When he looked up at me again, the heat in his gaze was so strong, it was almost palpable. I leaned back in my chair. It didn’t help. I was on fire, and Jace was relentless. It was as if now that we’d agreed on waiting, he wasn’t holding back any longer.

Clearing my throat, I stood up to throw away my wrapper in the bin, with Jace on my heels. Afterward, we took the staircase, descending to the ground floor. Jace was one step behind me, and when we reached the last one, he hooked an arm around my waist, feathering his nose down the side of my neck.

“Just one more thing.... How do you feel about naked sleepovers in the meantime?”

I pulled out of his grasp, turning fully until we were face-to-face. Or well, more like face-to-chest, since Jace was standing on a higher stair.

“No sex, Jace.”

“You’re being cruel.” He grinned as he launched the accusation. I was fighting to keep a straight face.

“I’m serious.”

Jace descended one step. He still towered over me, but at least I didn’t have to tilt my head back so much to look at him.

I had other problems now. Such as Jace’s lips almost touching mine.

“I know you’re serious. But I don’t think you want to be.”

I squinted. “Jace, this is a hard line for me, and I’d like for us to be on the same page before we fly out to New York.”

He cupped my chin, stroking his thumb over my cheek. He was too masculine, too handsome... simply too much, and I couldn’t help but react to him. My breath caught, and I licked my lower lip.

“We’re on the same page, don’t you worry.”

Chapter Fourteen


I loved New York, especially in the second half of September. One way or another, I made a trip to the city that never sleeps at least once a year. Most of my visits had been work-related, just like this one. Except, I couldn’t exactly call this work: I wa

s going to oversee the boys pose in semisexy pics, and then I was going with them to one of the fanciest bars, in the VIP area. Oh, and I was flying business class. Pinch. Me. Now. Could life get any better? I really didn’t think so. On the day of the trip, I woke up early to pack. I didn’t need much, just a suit and something to wear at the club in the evening. The latter was a bit problematic. Theoretically, we were going there after-hours to relax, so I was off the clock. Still, I couldn’t wear what I normally would, which was either a short dress or jeans with a glitzy top. The boys wouldn’t take me seriously.

On the drive to the airport, I was giddy, feeling as if I was heading on a vacation. But then, while relaxing in the back of the cab, I checked Facebook and came upon a picture that made me nauseous.

Noah and Cami were a couple.

I dropped the phone in my bag, pressing a hand on my collarbone before closing my eyes. A couple. When had that happened? When I was still with Noah? Seeing the picture stung like hell.

By the time I joined the team at the airport, it was already boarding time. I tried to pull myself together, but it wasn’t easy. Over the past two months, the sense of deep hurt after the breakup and loss of Cami’s friendship had started to heal, but now it felt raw again. I had the overwhelming urge to climb in my bed and stay there the entire day, but I had to soldier on.

“Good morning.” I flashed everyone a smile. Guess who wasn’t fooled? Jace. Cocking an eyebrow, he motioned with his head toward the back of the room, but I did not acknowledge it. Did he let that deter him? He did not. When the flight operator announced they were ready to board the business class passengers, Jace waited for the entire team to line up in front of the counter, and then sat next to me.

“What’s up? You look unhappy.”

“It’s nothing.”

“Try again.” He leaned slightly into my personal space, and I licked my lips, looking away. It was too early in the morning for all the testosterone Jace exuded.

“Just saw this morning that Noah and Cami are a couple now.”

Tags: Layla Hagen The Connor Family Romance