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Half an hour later, he called me.

“Fuck, Brooke. You’re sweet.”

I walked to the supplies room, grinning and whispering, “It’s just a note. But it did brighten up your day, huh?”

“You bet it did. Come watch the game. I want to see you there.” He’d lowered his tone, and it was sexy as hell.

“Yes, boss,” I replied playfully.

I did watch the game that evening, cheering for the Lords along with everyone else, but over the next few days, I saw a lot less of Jace than I was used to. I couldn’t make it to the gym in the evening and most of my phone conferences were around lunchtime, which meant I had to resort to buying quick sandwiches to eat at my desk either before or after. As a result, a few days later, I had Jace withdrawals. I missed him. And yet, the prospect of facing him head-on was unnerving. Then I was frustrated with myself, because my big fear was that our friendship would ultimately suffer. Yet because I couldn’t get my bearings together, I was creating a barrier between us.

Which was why, two days before the New York trip, I sent him a message.

Brooke: Are you still at the club? I want to talk to you.

It was late, but I’d heard Tina mention an hour ago that the boys were still here, analyzing a game.

Jace: Yeah, but preparing to leave. I’m in the locker room.

Brooke: Is the rest of the team there too?

Jace: Just me.

Brooke: I’ll be there in a few minutes.

I sent an emai

l with the New York itinerary to the entire team before leaving my desk.

My hands were damp with perspiration as I descended the staircase to the locker rooms.

Come on, Brooke. You’re just asking your friend Jace to sit down and talk over breakfast tomorrow. There’s no reason to be nervous.

I tried to cool down and calm my pulse as I opened the door to the locker room, but I suspected I was fighting a losing battle. I wouldn’t just waltz in if the team was here, but since Jace said he was alone, I didn’t see a problem.

Except that he was wearing only a towel and a smoldering smile.

“Hey, Brooke.”


I stood rooted in front of the door, unsure where to look. That towel kept catching my attention, but I didn’t allow my gaze to roam below waist level. The problem was that his chest was no less distracting. That six-pack just seemed unreal. Remembering how those abs felt beneath my fingertips sent a jolt of heat through me. Right. I needed to maintain eye contact.

I’d kept a respectable distance between us, but Jace seemed to decide it wasn’t necessary. He walked toward me with determined strides, stopping only a few inches away from me.

“You said you want to talk to me.”

“I wanted to ask you to have breakfast with me tomorrow.” I inhaled deeply, and the scent of his body wash was impossible to miss. It was so potent and masculine that the muscles in my lower belly clenched tight.

“Can you put clothes on?”

Amusement flashed in Jace’s eyes. “No, I don’t think I will. I don’t want to wait until breakfast. Let’s talk tonight. Right now.”

I licked my lips. “But—”

“No buts. Just you and me. Laying out our cards. Nothing more.”

“Well, that’s why I wanted to have breakfast with you.”

Tags: Layla Hagen The Connor Family Romance