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“I will pretend I have not heard a thing,” Val assured us. “Besides, we’re all going to shoulder some of the work.”

Will raised his eyebrows. “Oh... like that time when we were painting Hailey’s living room, and Jace and I ended up doing all the work.”

“That was just one time.” Val grinned sheepishly before looking to Landon for support.

“Don’t look at me, I wasn’t here for a few years.” He glanced at me. Traitor. Throwing me under the bus, huh? I could butter up Val, but that was not my style.

“I’m with Will on this one. It’s usually gossip central between you girls while he and I work.”

“No, it’s not. You’ll see tomorrow,” Val said.

I couldn’t help myself. “Anyone up for taking bets?”

Val and Hailey narrowed their eyes. Will took me up on it. Landon chuckled, taking his daughter from Maddie’s arms.

“Jace, I’m surprised you don’t have any plans tomorrow evening. Dry spell?”

“You wound me. You know I’m always up for helping out my sisters.”

“Hmm... sure, but I sense there’s something more here. Anything you want to tell us?”

I’d been subjected to enough interrogations, ambushes, and interventions to know Val wasn’t just fishing for info. Pippa had talked to her.

“No. Nothing at all.”

Val watched me suspiciously but didn’t press the matter, though I knew better than to think she was giving up. She was just waiting for the right time.

After dinner, we all moved into the living room. I sat on the couch next to Hailey.

“What did Milo say?”

“Just asked me what it’s like to have a sister,” I said vaguely. The little man had asked me to keep his secret, and I planned to do just that.

“Oh, okay. By the way, I have an idea: why don’t you ask Brooke to come to my house tomorrow too? I’ve spoken to her a few times, but I’ve never met her. She’d love sniffing samples.”

“She has plans with her family.”

“Right. Well, you can... wait a second, what’s with that face?”

I tried with all my might to look innocent. “What face?”

“That expression here. Your left eye is twitching a bit. You’re jumpy.”

“I’m not.”

“Started when I mentioned Brooke. Is something wrong??”

“No, Hailey.”

She took a long look at me. “Something’s off with you. I just can’t tell what.”

“Just been a busy week.”

Hailey grimaced. “And now you’re placating me. Holy shit, something is off. Anyone bothering you with absurd claims again? Just tell me, Jace. I’ll take care of it.”

Oh, crap. And now she was going to start worrying about me. My plan had been to leave her in the dark. I was closest to Hailey. I’d always been, and growing up we’d been in competition with each other as to who gave Landon and Val more white hair. But now I realized that if I didn’t at least tangentially tell her what was going on, she was going to construct her own scenarios and worry for no reason.

Everyone else was engaged in their own conversations, not paying me or Hailey any attention, so in a low voice, I filled her in.

Tags: Layla Hagen The Connor Family Romance