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“Dad says you never take one.”

“Until now. Get in.” He opened the car door, stepping so close to me t

hat I had to tilt my head back to look up at him. His eyes were glinting dangerously. The mix of bossiness and protectiveness was intoxicating.

“Paige said she and Hailey often do this.”

“Did Paige also tell you that Will always goes with her? Or that I go with Hailey?”

“She might have mentioned it.”

“Don’t fight me on this, Brooke. I just want you to be safe.”

“We can go another time. You don’t have to give up practice.”

“Already took the break card, so let’s go.”

I relented, climbing into the car. I felt guilty that he’d blown practice for me but also oddly happy.

As soon as we reached our destination, I was beyond grateful Jace was with me, because the area did seem dangerous. I dropped off the boxes with the contact person Paige had given me. Jace shadowed me, and whenever he wasn’t carrying a box, he put an arm around my shoulders or my waist, tucking me into him. His protectiveness humbled me.

“Thanks for coming with me. You were right, coming here on my own wouldn’t have been smart,” I said once we were back in the car. He nodded. I liked that he wasn’t giving me an I-told-you-so speech. We spoke about the center during the ride.

“We have to talk,” Jace said as I pulled in the parking lot of the club.

“I know. It’s five. I still have an hour before my conference call starts.”


I tried to imagine how the conversation would go, but after working myself into a frenzy, I decided to just take things as they came along. Jace was leaning casually against the chair, smiling at me.

“Brooke, stop fretting.”

“I’m not fretting.”

He pointed to my lap. I caught myself fiddling with my thumbs.

I blushed. “You’re right.”

“Why are you nervous?”

“Because... I don’t know, Jace. I was afraid—I still am afraid that our friendship will change. That we could lose it.”

Jace lifted one corner of his mouth, then the other. God, he was simply gorgeous. I allowed myself a moment to drink him in.

“We won’t lose anything. Look at us, going through our same old friendly routine. You’re ogling me like you want me to strip naked. I pretend I don’t notice.”

“Oh, Jesus,” I muttered.

“So, we got that out of the way. What else is on your mind?”

“It’s early days at the club for me. I feel like everyone is finally seeing me as an employee, not just Coach’s daughter. The management meeting today was incredible. I felt valued, and I’m afraid that if we... you know... I’m afraid they’ll stop taking me seriously.”

Jace said nothing. My chest tightened as the silence stretched, because this was so unlike him. Finally, he unhitched himself from the chair.

“Would you feel the same in a few months?”

Wow. Whatever I’d expected him to say, it wasn’t this.

Tags: Layla Hagen The Connor Family Romance