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He smiled mysteriously, then pulled a little jewelry box from his back pocket. I grinned, sitting up and rubbing my hands in excitement. Maybe it was a set of earrings.

Jace sat up as well, watching me with warm eyes. He was strangely silent. When I opened the little box, I sighed. Jace hadn’t gotten me earrings. He’d gotten me an engagement ring. A round diamond with small aquamarines surrounding it. I couldn’t breathe for a few seconds, captivated by the beauty of the ring and everything it meant.

“Brooke, I think I fell in love with you long before I realized it. You started out by only wanting to be “friendly” with me, and before we knew it, you were my person, and I was yours. Will you marry me?”

He was close enough that I could feel him holding his breath. I smiled, nearly shouting, “Yes.”

Jace gave me a broad, wicked smile, but his hands were a little tense as he retrieved the ring out of the box, taking my right hand.

“Left hand,” I said hoarsely. “Engagement rings go on the left hand.”

He laughed, switching hands. I loved seeing him this happy, to know I was the reason for it. I sat in his lap, lacing an arm around his neck, keeping my left hand between us, so I could admire the ring properly.

“It’s beautiful. I love you.”

He kissed my forehead, then my temple, before skimming his lips to my mouth.

“I can’t wait to ca

ll you my wife.”

“First I’ll be your fiancée.”

He brought his hands to my hips, gripping them rather possessively. “How attached are you to that title?”

“I’m rather fond of it. I’d like to keep it for a while. Is there something you want to tell me?”

“Just that I’d like to get married as fast as possible. What do you say?”

Just a few months ago, I’d been honestly convinced I wouldn’t be able to let anyone in again, but Jace made me fall head over heels. He moved his palms from my hips to my waist. I loved feeling those strong biceps flex under my hands.

“Yes. Yes, all the way.”

I grinned. Yes, this was Jace Connor. He went balls to the wall whenever he wanted something, and he wanted me.



We broke the news to the Connors at the next Friday dinner. We arrived a little late at Val’s house, so the gang was already sitting at the table, chatting and eating.

Jace held up my hand for everyone to see.

“Wow, congratulations,” Val exclaimed. “I can’t believe we didn’t get wind of this.”

Hailey was flashing that smug smile again. I didn’t miss it, and neither did Val.

“You knew,” Val accused. When Hailey nodded, Val glared at Jace.

“Hey, I didn’t mean to tell her. I just made the mistake of looking up rings on her laptop.”

“Ah, this was the secret you mentioned at the hotel party,” I said, finally getting it.

Jace nodded gravely.

“I know I don’t have the right to, but I feel kind of betrayed that you kept his secret,” Val said.

“Me too,” Lori added.

Tags: Layla Hagen The Connor Family Romance