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“How is it going?” he asked.

“Well, I’d like to tell you I have good news, but my lawyer just dropped the case.”

He went on to call my ex-lawyer every profanity in the book as I told him what had happened.

“I’ll cast my net wide. We work with many lawyers on our deals.”

“Thanks. You do that. I have a meeting starting in ten minutes that will last the entire afternoon, but I’ll talk to Carter first. He’s in the industry and might have some recommendations.”

Chapter Twenty-Six


“Carter, come on. Don’t take the Connor case,” Anthony said.

I’d asked my two partners into our meeting room to let them know what I was planning to do.

“I’m not asking for permission.”

I’d made up my mind the second Val texted me, asking me for lawyer recommendations because hers dropped the case. I’d missed her call because I’d been with a client, and she was in a meeting now, but I’d talk to her afterward.

“The case is too public,” Anthony continued. “And the trial date is in three weeks. If you lose, it’ll cost us a lot of business.”

“I am not planning to lose it. And again, I’m not asking for permission.”

“We’re all partners in this,” Zachary reminded me. “You can’t put our reputation on the line for some woman you’re dating.”

No one spoke for a few seconds. I could already feel a vein pulsing in my temple.

“Zachary, I’d shut up now if I were you,” I said dangerously. Val wasn’t just some woman.

“Look, Carter, I wouldn’t touch this with a ten-foot pole,” Anthony added. “We can’t stop you if you want to take the case, but is she really worth the risk?”

“Yes. Yes, she is.”

I wanted to take on Val’s case. I wanted to fight on her behalf. I was a damn good lawyer. I couldn’t just stand by as she went through this mess. I dropped by her office around the time she’d told me her meeting would end.

It was apparent that everyone except Val had left. I found her sitting on her desk. I could only see her back, but she was obviously tense. Her spine was straight, and her shoulders looked stiff. She’d been talking on the phone, but she must have heard me come in because she muttered a quick “I’ll call you later” before placing the phone on the table and glancing at me over her shoulder.

I went straight to her, hooking an arm around her waist and bringing her to the edge of the desk. Then I kissed her, deep and slow. She kissed me back, reluctan

tly at first, but as I demanded more, Val gave in, releasing a small moan against my mouth, burying one hand in my hair and pressing her heels into the backs of my thighs, urging me closer. I wanted to wring out every single drop of tension from her, drive out all her worries.

I pulled back a little, tipping her head up.

“Hey,” I greeted.


“What have you been up to?”

“Regrouping, mostly. Landon found a few law firms, but the ones I’ve spoken to are reluctant to jump in so late. Have you thought about any recommendations?”

Right. She’d texted me to ask for recommendations. I’d completely forgotten.

“Val, I want to represent you. I want to be your lawyer.”

She blinked up at me. “What?”

Tags: Layla Hagen The Connor Family Romance